Letter to Reiko #197 Celebrating Wai Gong's Bday and Dinner at Aunt Joan's Place

Wednesday, December 26, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

This is a continuation of setting up our X'mas tree.... because I only managed to get the photos from Daddy after that... I thought that you looked really cute in the reindeer hat.... though it is much too small for you now... hehe... you had it when you were 2 years old...

Look at your focused look, hehe...

We celebrated Wai gong's bday with hotpot! Everyone of us had our own hotpot, it was really nice.. :) Just that we couldn't eat very much.... still it was a nice experience for everyone to eat and spend time together..

Swimming time! Just thought this was a weird expression.. hehe... by the way, you and kor love to play and swim together... good that there is a sport that both of you can enjoy and have fun together..

What's this? Rosemary chicken prepared by Auntie Joan! She invited us over... it was soooo awesome!

Time spent with our friends with a yummy meal! These days we prefer these instead of eating out, it really burns the pocket and food is not very nice also.. hehe..

After our dinner with Auntie Joan, we bought a cake for Auntie Qin and brought it over to celebrate her bday. However, when we reached around 9 plus.. it took a long time before someone came to the door... turns out that Uncle yy was sick and the whole family wanted to sleep early... gee.. still we had a small meet up session and a short time to play with Eli..

Nothing can stop kids from playing even if it is a very short time!