Letter to Reiko #212 Mummy and Daddy away..

Sunday, May 12, 2019 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

This was one of the rare weekends that Daddy and Mummy are away because we went to KL to attend shop.com conference. Mummy felt so bad as both of you were unable to go for your classes. :( But still, luckily Uncle Keenan managed to bring Imm to his friend's bday party, which was a trampoline event. You wanted to go to but was too young. Still, you didn't cause much difficulties to popo.. hehe... thank you for being a gd girl! :)

Some pics taken in KL  where Daddy and Mummy had breakfast!

And our favourite dim sum! we would often go to eat dim sum when we go JB too... you like the pau... :) and lou mai gai.... we miss both you and kor so much during our trip.. our thoughts are always with you!

On the last night before going back, we also enjoyed a nice korean meal. remember we had this with Auntie Huiwen and Asher previously also? We shall go JB and enjoy cheap korean food again soon ok?:)