Letter to Immanuel, Reiko and Ariel #4, #221 Mummy's Birthday, Imm Music Competition, Celebrating Parents' Day, Ariel's First Month

Tuesday, July 09, 2019 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm, Ko and Ariel!


You are such a loving sister and have been helping mummy a lot to rock baby or little errands like bringing diapers to the bin.

Mummy has been trying to squeeze in time with you... sorry that I have been a bit impatient lately, esp when I am tired. You have been asking me to do cupcakes with cream, which I don't know how to. So we wanted to make ice and dip in melted chocolate. but the star shaped ice somehow all fused together so Mummy jus improvised - we melt the chocolate and then dip marshmallows into them instead.

And then we also applied it on bread. Daddy was saying why not just spread nutella... but it is the process aka journey that matters right? :) And Mummy enjoys these little moments with you. Must do them more before you outgrow...

And we also celebrated Parents Day at Bright Juniors. Mummy has not been able to attend a lot of these sessions because I was unable to take leave as I was busy with practicum and studies. So happy I can attend now with you.

There was a mini sushi making competition... hee... simple but yet I appreciate the sch efforts to do these kinda things.


You turned 1 mth old!! We are slowly learning abt your little tantrums at times. :) But you would also awe us with your sudden mini smiles.. though still not sure if it is a social one or a muscle twitching one.

Like this:

And We are able to finally go out! Mummy tried using Boba baby wrap. It was a struggle but you seemed quite snug in it after that...


Mummy and Daddy have definitely been so proud of you because during these sch hols, you went through a few recitals and competition. You kept saying that you did not want to go for any recitals because you are scared and we had to motivate you by buying a mini present. Then you realised that it was not so bad anymore right? And Mummy could finally attend the last one, which was a competition to see who can be qualified for another competition, :P I did not really care abt the results as I was really happy that you looked so good and confident. After the competition, you said that you were scared and prayed to Jesus, which made me even more reassured that my boy has learnt to lean on God for strength. It is times like these when we felt that we had taught you well and our prayer sessions as a family have definitely made a difference. :)

We also celebrated Mummy's bday! You went with Daddy and got this for me, knowing I like EE-or.. :)

Thank you Imm and Ko for being the sweetest children.

And we also celebrated with gong gong and popo..

Yay!! Time for staycation at Furama! Because we booked a party package for Ko, we get a complimentary stay here. Both of you were looking so forward to it. :) Your enthusiasm is sooo contagious. We did not do much but walked to Great world, had dinner and then had a Toy Story Marathon! It was simply awesome... we caught Toy Story 1,2 and 3. And the next day, we went to catch Toy Story 4 at the movies! :) Love love love it!

we must definitely go to the pool during staycation right?

The evening sky near Furama that greeted us. God is good!

A playdate with Alex, Clara and Anthony.. mini playground session..

After that we went to Mac to have ice cream together.

And this was when Imm started telling lame jokes.. which Mummy cannot remember, except the puzzled and exasperated look of everyone when he said the answers. :P