Letter to Immanuel, Reiko & Ariel #223, #6 Dance Recital, Imm says "Stress", Ariel 2 months

Wednesday, July 31, 2019 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm, Ko and Ariel!


Mummy did not take much individual photos of you recently... only those with your sisters.. but it just depicts what a loving brother you are, especially to your baby sister:)

We went to watch the Bicenntial Experience recently and learnt about Singapore history in an immersive experience. It was really awesome and both of you were really happy.. at the last part, we even had to use umbrellas as it showed the significance of rain in Singapore history. It was really creative!

We had some local food and walked around after that. It was simply nice to spend some family time on a friday/

Oh yes Imm, Mummy was a little upset with you recently when you said you wished you could be less stress and Mummy Daddy can be more child like, play with you more etc. I was disappointed and said that we had tried our best to spend time together and always think from your perspective but you seemed to have implied that you were not happy. After explaining to you from our perspective, you understood better and did not mention that anymore. Mummy and Daddy jus wish that you are happy, Mummy ask you to do work but it does not mean to stress you and I would always tell you it is for practice but if you are unable to do finish, it is perfectly fine. And though we do not always play in the way you wanted, we try to spend time together, bring you out, do baking with you and Daddy would also fix and build things together with you.


You picked a flower along the way and asked me to smell it. You are a girly girl, loving everything from rainbows to uniforms to flowers ... :)

The highlight in this post would definitely be about your dance recital.. Daddy, Mummy and Imm went to support you. :) It is really a big thing at Taneo Dance Academy, the yearly recitals and rising star. We did not sign you up for Rising Star because of the heavy commitment but we should probably sign you up for next yr one!

Taking a pic with Teacher Rachelle, your previous teacher... you really missed her!

You got a medal for doing well in your ballet exam. Sooo proud of you :) Actually Mummy felt bad that I had not been practising with you for your dance and told myself that I must do it. I must help you to get to your fullest potential. Each recital really inspired me when I see how good the older girls can be. We will work hard together ok? I must also remind myself to put things into perspective: dance is really about flexibility, discipline, peseverance and working as a team thus, I should not just be focused on results and outcome. Parenting can be so conflictual at times. :)



Oh yes you have passed 2 months! Here are more cutey pics of you!

Popo sent me this pic of you.. such a happy big infectious smile!

And popo has been helping you with some tummy time when Mummy tends to forget at times.. ooops.. and I need to get down to flashing those cards to activate your right brain soon.. hahaha... anyway I am so happy you are growing well my little one!

Oh yes, Mummy loves this pic... The 3 paus! 

And some sibling / family pics to conclude my post: This was when we were walking back to the car from Uncle Kway Teow shop. It is funny how less than 1min ago, both Imm and Ko were fighting and now they are holding hands happily.

A session with Ko also cos she wanted ice cream but Imm didn't want. This was at the ice cream cafe nearly - Eleven Strands.