Letter to Immanuel, Reiko and Ariel #251 #32 Playground dinners, Okonomiyaki and pizza fun

Sunday, November 14, 2021 0 Comments A+ a-

 Hi Imm, Ko and Ri!

Something we did more of this month was colouring the pictures for Little Faith Steps. Another motivation was getting featured in the video.. which we were.. twice!

Ariel, managed to do our dot dot art with you. You really enjoyed it!

Ko, your drawing is so pretty.. you probably got the inspiration because it was Daddy and Mummy's wedding annivesary this month! 11 years!

We like the train playground at Tiong Bahru and went twice this month. Daddy went and got dinner for us..  one time, he got us all our faves! Imm was Japanese curry chicken rice, ko was fish and chips and Mummy's one was unagi and rice. woohoo! that was how we spent our dinner time, eating at playgrounds since can only eat in 2s during the Endemic restrictions.

This time, it was drizzling a little thus Imm and Ko were digging sand under the train. While Ariel does her catwalk.

Another fun thing we did was trying to make Okonomiyaki. Mummy got the ingredients from Don Don and we were able to follow step by step following the video.

We put chicken inside. It was so good and everyone loved it. Imm loves the sauce especially. Ko loves the cabbage. It was a good experience for all of us definitely.

And because it was such a good cooking experience following week, auntie made pizza with both of you the following week!

To carry out our goals to be a FF - fit family, we went to Decathlon to get badminton rackets and new soccer shoes for imm. we also got a cart so that we can use it on our family outings together... whoppee!!

We discovered a treasure near sgoon gardens, this deserted playground in which we could have all to ourselves and play badminton. It was sooooo awesome! we had a picnic and also played badminton after that. Our fun was cut short when it rained shortly but we still had a good time :)

Hi Children, hope that we can always make good use of what is given to us. Despite the inconveniences of the restrictions, we all had a good time when we are spending time together and making up our minds to enjoy ourselves no matter what, these are definitely important life lessons! May we continue to discover new playgrounds and have fun no matter what :)

Letter to Immanuel, Reiko and Ariel #250 #31 Pan Pac Suites Staycation, Mid Autumn Festival celebration, Playground Outings

Thursday, October 14, 2021 0 Comments A+ a-

 Hi Imm, Ko and Ri,

Sharing our Sep moments... pretty eventful too because we had another staycation!!! wee!!! First, let us look at our normal days... Popo playing with Ariel.. :) Now ah, Ariel always need someone to play with or she will want to see songs on phone :(

Mummy will also try to find time to bring her to playgrounds to expand her energy.. right Ariel? you really love playgrounds..

We went to the train one at Tiong Bahru until really late during one of the weekends. It was such fun just digging holes and burying the feet..

And now comes the highlight of our Sep holidays.. the staycation!! We stayed at Pan Pac suites and Daddy could wash all his clothes too.. 3 of you really love staycations - another environment to play and watch tv.. hehee

And you kiddos can chill and watch Disney plus continuously..

We went out to eat Mookata and then dessert time! Our favourite!

We walked around at Marina Square before going to the Kidztopia Indoor playground to play...

It was really fun for Ariel, scooping around..

Daddy and Godpa will buy food back for us... we are so blessed! Knowing that you all don't like to walk around too much.. hrummph..

It was a short 3 day 2 nights but we really enjoyed ourselves!! weee!! time to plan for our next staycation.. ohh it's already planned... it's the cruise!!! woooo!!

Trying out my new lighting to hold my camera.. Imm looks a very bright and pleasant boy here.. 

Posing with the agar agar mooncake that Auntie Vika made... we won 2nd prize!

Just hanging out at the lift lobby, love the cute faces!

This is at Sengkang Sculpture Park.. we haven't been here before, it is really much fun! we had a big space to scoot around too! Mummy and Daddy went round the playground and park a few times on the scooter with Ariel.. yay, she is almost ready to be scooting independently. Thanks to Ko and Imm for taking care of Ariel too so Daddy and Mummy could chill at times :)

Whilst relaxing, we would also do some colouring to remind us of what was taught during mass that day. we did it for a few weekends, hoping that we can be captured in the mass for children's videos too. Although not our intention, it is nice to watch out to see if you all would be featured :) extra motivation!

A drawing that Imm did on his ipad. Mummy is sooooo impressed!!!

Our last celebration for that month... Mid autumn festival. We hung out at Gardens by the Bay to carry our lanterns and to see the amazing light display..

But the best highlight was having icecream after that right? :) Ariel could finish the whole ice cream by herself..

A nice pic of the 4 kiddos!

Hi Kiddos! hope you all will continue to have fun and enjoy the the little things in life. Although during this time, we are at the Covid Endemic stage.. in which the cases were rising like crazy... 2000 + a day but I am glad we can still enjoy outings like these, though with a risk. Let us continue to pray for the happiness and health of our loved ones. Nowadays Ariel will keep reminding us to pray, saying she wants "our father". It gives us motivation to pray more as a family too!

Letter to Immanuel, Reiko and Ariel #249 #30 Daddy's Birthday, Imm is a decade old, Fun outdoorsy and indoorsy moments

Wednesday, September 22, 2021 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm, Ko and Ri!!

What an eventful Aug! As there are two important people celebrating their birthdays in our family! Woo! Recapping what we did in Aug is such a feat.. first I have to praise Imm for his indomitable spirit in finishing his Ferris Wheel.. it was our Nation's birthday and we attended our CC event online... during that event there was an activity to do a ferris wheel.. which was really difficult.. Imm really persevered, though with a lot of whining.. haha.. that's Imm right.. will do day and night then Mummy and Daddy will lend a hand if it is really tough. Good job Imm! And we got a prize for that too!

So pretty!

Another event we had was a picnic at Jewel. wanted to go to the beach initially as Ri loves the  "big sand" but it started to rain so this was our back up plan. Auntie Vika makes the best sushi for us!

We cannot all fit into this funtoast cup like before already..

Having Imm's favourite Yole yoghurt... when Imm loves something, he will keep talking about it and we will all search for it :)

And then comes our early celebration for Daddy! We made a basque burnt cheesecake for him.. hiding while we await..

The day before, we had our "family night" which Ko will always rave about.. haha.. we played Uno and this word game. We were all on this huge queen size mattress. Initially we wanted to all sleep together but Mummy found it too squeezy and went into the room to sleep after that... hehe..

Breakfast time! Ko loves the baked eggs and ham dish... we had chicken, chocolate and plain pancakes..

Happy Birthday to Daddy!!!

We finally got to do this together.. was tiring cycling... please grow up and take over kiddos! Daddy and Mummy cannot wait to be your passagers!

Having a quick time at the sand before it started drizzling..

had lunch at PS cafe while it poured. Thank God for the good weather earlier for us to have our family time!

Tried out this chicken from Twins restaurant but Daddy said KFC tasted better :(

We had our God family over to celebrate Daddy's birthday!

Happy Birthday Daddy! You are the rock and pillar of the family! Hope you enjoyed the day of feasting! Hope your days will be filled with more strength, energy and less stress! we know how hard you work and plan for us.. :)

And the following day, we had seafood with "Baby Joan" and family. You will hear the story of why she is baby joan when you grow up..

Shortly after Daddy's Birthday, it was time to celebrate Imm's birthday! We didn't have much pics though as Imm and Ko celebrated it by a fun time at superpark with Imm's friends, David and Andrew. We had a mini celebration having Yole, since Imm doesn't like cakes..

Amazing that this guy is now 10! It had been such a journey! Dear Imm, we love you very much! You have been fantastic in looking after your sisters, though irritating them at times :P We hope you will continue to be your pleasant boy. We admire your persistence and endurance in the things you do. Continue growing in faith and love our boy!

Other then our celebrations, we also had other fun times hanging out at playgrounds and beaches.. See Ariel running towards her playground..

Ri really loves playing in the sand!

Thank you Ko for always watching out for Ri :)

Ko finished her Moonbeams 2 classes! Happy graduation!

Hanging out at Suntec..

Other fun moments at home on random days, piggybagging each other....

Or being hunters on a ride..

Swimming at Auntie Meijing's house!

Or enjoying basketball together..

Art and craft at home...

Mummy and Daddy also celebrated our 11th year of marriage at a milestone event held by IHM.. May the flame keep burning bright :) Like how celebrations and milestones are important, its the daily blessings and gratitude in each day that makes up all these memories. May we continue to grow in love and kindness towards each other.