Letter to Immanuel, Reiko and Ariel #248 #29 Ko's 8th Birthday, T-play and The Quirks of Imm and Ariel

Thursday, September 16, 2021 0 Comments A+ a-

 Dear Imm, Ko and Ri,

What a fun time we have in July! July is the birthday of our koko!!! Look at this wonderful decor that Auntie Vika has made :)

We kickstarted the celebration by going to Uncle Ajie's house and played with the godsiblings... it was a fun and cosy time playing magnets together. We had a great time with Augustine and Seraphina!

Mummy made a yoghurt cake made to share for Augustine's birthday and Koko's birthday... But Augustine slept way too early. We had a birthday song for ko and she blew out the candle, much to Ariel's dismay. Blowing candles is really her favourite activity during this time. Just look at her crestfallen face.. hehe

Next another celebration at home, this time with Sophie, Sera and Stephanie. We have not seen them for a long time! and what better way than to invite them over our place to play together... woohooo.. It was mostly due to Covid that we could not have big gatherings thus a lot of us haven't met for quite a while and everyone is growing up so quickly...

This is the cake made by Auntie Vika.. simple and homely.... with Ko's favourite fruits!

Daddy and mummy wrote a card for you, since you always like writing to us so much! and you almost cried... or cried a little, saying that you were very touched :)

Our girl has grown up so well and matured :)

And Ariel here, the lover of candles :)

Thank you Ko, for always letting Ariel blow out the candles, cos it was so much fun! We kept relighting the candles for the fun of it.... It was nice to see everyone getting so excited about candle blowing... :)

Special toastbread for Ko on her special day, which was a school day..

We also went to celebrate at T-play at Khatib, the large indoor playground. Likewise due to Covid, we have hardly visited any indoor playgrounds so it was really fun for us. Mummy remembered this really curvy slide that Ariel was really scared of after she went down the slide. Mummy too "suffered" scratches against the slide... still it was fun and we played will our max... It was a good workout for me and daddy indeed.

Little random photos over the month that were really heartening. Imm, please grow fatter! You are way too skinny and fitted into the side of the stairway. Our pleasant boy, always on the lookout for your sisters but when its just three of you, you would just want to disturb them.. the chaos and fun we have at home indeed... :)

And lastly, Ariel showing concern due to Mummy's bad eczema these couple of months! Ariel, you would go get cream quickly when Mummy says she was itchy. Aww... such a sweet girl like your jie...

Yay! And here's the end of July, with many memories to savour at the end. Ko, Happy 8th Birthday once again and we all love you very very much! Mummy hopes that 3 of you will always celebrate your birthdays together and be in each other's hearts till the end of time.. :D