Letter to Immanuel #75 Playing is Our Main Activity

Thursday, June 30, 2016 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!

This is one of the latest pics of you! You looked so happy... and shy :) Well, generally it's always a joy to be with you as I love your constant chatter. Though I can't say I don't feel irritated at times. :P That's because you kept asking why. And You would also ask me the breed of cats, dogs and flowers... that we pass by on the road.. and sometimes, I just don't know how to answer you, haha.... Anyway this was you when we were on the way to CMA trial, where you learn abacus. Somehow, you really enjoy maths these days so I just wanted to expose you to that. But since you said you didn't want to continue, it is ok! :)

You did this at the class there though which the teacher said you did it perfectly and the colours showed your creative side :) I guessed for Mummy, I just hope you can do what you love and I am always trying to engage your imaginative side. You have shown me through your various colouring, lego and pretend play that I feel like I did the right thing. :)

We went for a Mac breakfast on Sunday and this is you enjoying your burger. Somehow, you always enjoy meat like ham, sausages, luncheon meat etc. Not so healthy but once in a while, I let you eat what you like. :P 

Bubbles time at the playground! Simple physical activities after breakfast. :)

Playing randomly with Ko at home. Nowadays you guys love to play catching around the house! I am so glad both of you have each other for company.

On Mon, Mummy brought you to watch Finding Dory. I just wanted to spend more time with you before I start work. I also arranged lunch with Auntie Joan and you could play with Darryl. This time, you went back happily. I still remembered the last time, I had to drag you out of his house because you refused to go home and I carried you all the way to the bus stop. My arms were aching real badly after that. :(

Doing perler beads on our Mon night! Ko was doing her butterfly and you were doing your lizard.

Tada! This is what we did that night... :) You were so funny, you insisted that the gap between the tail and "foot" was where the eye was and kept arguing till you almost cried. :P

Good news! Auntie Becky just gave birth and this was our card to them.