Letter to Immanuel #72 Your Precious Min of Fame for The First Time

Friday, June 03, 2016 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!

It's been 2 weeks since you last swam and you were really happy to be the only student this week. You would cling onto the coach's back like a koala bear and he told you "hey, I am not your daddy, I am your coach". I guessed in a way, you might be misbehaving because there isn't really any male authority in your life for the time being. Mummy tries my very best to do all the fun things we can though most of the time it is just one to one time, unless it is to parties or indoor play areas because I just can't handle both of you at some activities.. and the difference in ages as well. It is ok, this is why we never take for granted any family time and that in itself is a blessing! :)

One of the exciting things happening was that your school was featured in Channel News Asia under a programme called "Bright Start Bright Spark" and your class went to the headquarters which was a industrial area. (It is supposed to be cast on TV in late June) Anyway Mummy followed the bus in the afternoon since I figured I would still need to cab down in the evening as the principal has requested me to be interviewed and I agreed. (Though I am terribly terribly shy, yes Mummy can be shy too) You are only suppose to know at 21 years old when we give you the password to your email. I almost regretted it because you started to cling to me and whine for toys. This resulted in you missing out a few sessions of being videoed. I had to just let you cry and cry for whatever reason I cannot remember. But after a while, you were ok and went to film other sessions, whew! During the waiting time, you shared with your friends the photobook about Cape Town. (I brought along so you could share with them):)

Pretend play while waiting for the filming. We were there for nearly 5 hrs.

We stayed till evening and had packed dinner and Mummy had my interview at 7 plus pm. It was really hard looking at the camera and talking without the "err and ya" if you know what I mean. And you are also not supposed to look away. I felt so robotic repeating my lines but luckily it was fine after a couple of tries.:) Mummy is happy to be able to help the school out when I am able to at this time.

Remember the last time we missed our Haroobee session? Yes this time Mummy braced myself and made sure I brought you out later (so you would not get restless), had your nap at the performance area in Esplanade (which was quiet at that time) and all. :) And this was what you drew!  A snake in hot air balloon... haha.