Letter to Reiko #72 A Prayer Warrior

Friday, June 03, 2016 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

I love your bright bright smile! I brought your little stuffed rabbit along when I fetched you back from school that day because I was afraid you would be sad. Kor got rewarded with his scooter and I could not give yours to you cos you didn't dance at your dance class as you promised. And you were just happy hugging this rabbit. Every night you would choose a new toy to go to sleep with (Mummy has 2 baskets of them consisting of my old ones and the ones others gave). Your bed would get more and more congested and I have to "declutter" every 2 to 3 days. :)

I found this pic really weird.. was testing the focus mode on the phone and it focused only on your face. Recently, Mummy took an online camera course just to learn more about it. I also got a new camera so I could capture more of you and Imm's moments.:)

Mummy spent less time with you this week because I brought Kor out more and you were at Ma-ma's house. Thank you Ko for being so nice and understanding when Mummy said I cannot bring you out on certain times. You asked to see Jesus when you heard the church bell in the morning. Thus, Mummy rushed to bring you to mass in the evening after I dropped Kor off after Art Class. Sometimes, all you have to do is just request and I will always try my best to fulfill it! How can I not when you miss Jesus? :) This time, you were very well behaved at church. Sad to say, all the activities made it hard for Mummy to bring you to church these couple of  weeks but I will try my best for our nightly prayers. And you will always remind me, which makes me motivated! :)