Letter to Immanuel #74 Trip to India... and Daddy's Back!!

Friday, June 24, 2016 0 Comments A+ a-

Dear Imm!

Mummy didn't write to you last week cos I went to Chennai to accompany Daddy for a week. But while we were there, we missed you very much. The night before, Mummy just teared at the thought of not seeing both of you for a week.. which is a very long time! :P Every night, I would be so exhausted and just want to chase both of you to bed... if only I can knock both of you out cos both of you just love to play before bedtime... the pillows will be your slides etc. It takes a lot to settle the amount of great energy in the room that I am battered and torn. hehe, anyway but when both of you sleep, I feel that you both are truly angels in my life again.:)

Anyway this pic is of Daddy and Mummy having Thali food! It is sure ex...$20 + for a meal here is not cheap. :P

We went walking around a lot! It was sure so hot that I felt Singapore was heaven when we returned.

Absolute bbq! Look at Daddy digging in!

A place with nice Asian food.. Mummy miss my noodles..

And when Daddy returned, we all went for waterplay at Nex! Both of you love it so much. It is nice to see both of you running around, playing and enjoying each others' company.

We also had a great time at Pororo Park though you wanted to play at the playground and this little house only. You didn't want anything else like the train. You would constantly run around and ask Daddy to be the monster...

We also went Ikea for some food and shopping! :)

Lastly, we had a mini celebration for Mummy and Ko bday since Daddy was around! You only ate the chocolate words and the fan. Looks like you will only eat chocolate cake all the time. hee...