Letter to Reiko #91 Visit to Art Museum and Having Peranakan Food

Monday, October 24, 2016 0 Comments A+ a-

Dear Reiko,

Somedays, you are really so irresistible that both Daddy and I really want to just hug and kiss you all day. This morning, I commented you were a little naughty over an event and you said "you said that I am cute what, why naughty". It is really funny when you keep making funny faces these days as well. Anyway, Daddy was back last week.. we went to eat Peranakan food near NUS and Daddy wanted to take a photo with you. You were eating halfway and had this funny wry look.... :)

One of the places that we went to was National Art Gallery.. Mummy didn't realised it was so fun! I had been wanting to bring both of you but sometimes I choose to go to easier places esp Daddy is in India. :) I am so happy that we get to wear our family T shirts again! And all of us can still fit into them! Hehe..

This was outside the gallery.. there were some colourful plastic coins which you can slot into the holes. Both you and Kor love to gather a lot of them and start slotting them in. Seems so fun that we were here for sometime and Mummy started wondering if we don't need to go to the other areas. :)

It is so pretty inside! You saw this rabbit and wanted to sit on it. We told you that you couldn't and Daddy carried you to "sit" instead, exposing your tummy!

You were hungry halfway so we went outside to snack. When we go out, Mummy has to constantly remember to bring food for you because you are motivated by hunger... kor is another story... he will not remember to eat when it comes to play. haha...

A family pic together!

There were many sections inside the museum so we explored quite a bit. This was pretty fun.. it was similar to lego.. Mummy is amazed.. is like using recycled cardboard boxes... environmentally friendly! And both of you start to build a border around yourselves.. like staying in a little house.

Some children did some projects and both of you are busy looking at them..

We also attended the wedding of Auntie Peifang, Mummy's JC friend... how come you looked so listless.. haa..

Daddy and Mummy went on a date during one of the weekdays! A photo of us! :)