Letter to Immanuel #91 National At Museum Fun for Kids and Peranakan Food at Heng Mui Keng Terrace

Monday, October 24, 2016 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!!

This week was such an eventful week for us because Daddy was here for the longest time yet... one week! And he was on leave! Though Mummy was working on weekdays.. we still managed to enjoy ourselves very much on the weekends... is so true.. you really treasure somethin when it is rare and I think this week was really close to our hearts. :) And this pic showed your really focused look! You enjoyed making kueh pie ti for all of us and also enjoyed eating them! Nice Peranakan food near NUS.. and me and Daddy were saying that this was there we met... hee

A father and son shot! Daddy kept commenting you are such a good boy... Mummy agrees.. actually you are really sweet :) though sometimes you can be super playful and addicted to the ipad... that is when Mummy gets angry with you.

Before the dinner, we went to National Art Museum.. Mummy didn't know that it was such a wonderful place.. having you and Ko sure takes me to places that I have never been to in Singapore! :)

You and Ko really enjoyed slotting these colourful coins. You especially... you just wanted to almost stay there all day. Something therapeutic about slotting??

You  love exploring...

Family photo together! Yay!

Some art pieces that other kids made that you and Ko really enjoyed looking at. Mummy is so impresssed by all their creativity.

Mummy also loves this seriously... they are like cardboard lego! Well, I am super into recycling and they looked like they are recycled... haa... anyway it was so much fun building structures with them!

Making a tiny house just for you and Ko!

This was cut out using magnetic paper... which Mummy actually has loads of it but no time to have any use for them... hmm.. new ideas.. you started making a sun, a watering can, and it sprays out water onto a flower...

We also attended Mummy good friend, Auntie Peifang's wedding at Regent Hotel... during the lunch.. you were so bored and kept asking us ,"what should I do now?". We will get very irritated because we know what you wanted to and didn't want to give it to you. In the end, you crawled into the stroller and slept... and didn't even wake throughout the yum seng.... others were pretty impressed... you are just like Daddy!! Haha.... sleeping like a log truly describes both of you!

Mummy and Daddy went dating while both of you are in school! :)