Letter to Immanuel #90 Fun at Indoor Playgrounds with Friends and Being Proud of You

Thursday, October 13, 2016 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!!

Daddy is back again this week and this time he had more time to spend with you!! :) When he comes back, we will meet up with our friends, esp you godbrother Alex! We went for dinner together and had icecream!! Kids are just sooooo happy with ice cream... you especially love chocolate!!!!!

Our caterpillar has grown into a moth... actually Mummy is the more happy type... I enjoy the whole process of metamorphosis and want to share with you.. part of science.. and part of life.

The pic that you finished during art class last week... :) Mummy and you swimming!

The day when Daddy first came back again... loads of stuff!!!!!! See how much Mummy has been trying to teach you? :)

Daddy and Ma-ma also accompanied both of you to the Kids Amazonia at Great World... the sch arranged as a Children's Day outing.

Hugging Ma-ma!

During the weekend, we went to the "City" at Great World City for some play fun as well. Wow... both of you sure enjoyed your fill of indoor playgounds this weekend. :)

Supermarket pretend play! Ko pretends to be the cashier and scans the products. It is so funny when she just start scanning bananas and apples one by one.

Both of you in your own world. :)

Hey Imm, Daddy and Mummy are so happy that you really enjoyed yourself over the weekend. Sometimes, all it takes is your happy face to ensure us that we are doing alright in parenting.. seeing you display kindness, sharing attitudes in your play. There was a day this week in which you had a bruise at you eyebrow. You told me your friend pushed you at the slide and you knock against the side. Auntie Yantin said your friend cried instead as he was afraid of your reaction but you were the one hugging and telling him it is ok. Things like this just makes me sooooo proud of you. :)