Letter to Reiko #110 Baking Strawberry Pops

Monday, March 06, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

We went for our strawberry pops making session last weekend. We baked together with Auntie Yantin and Kor. Mummy was afraid that I would not be able to help both of you so asked Auntie along. Kor tends to be more clingy to me when I am with both of you but thankfully, you are thoughtful enough and do not whine for attention. :)  That is why Mummy made sure to spend time with you one to one as well. Well... we will be going to attend a play soon! Yipee!

Enjoying playtime by playing with toys that allow you to fix structures, like lego! Lego is something that you have been particularly crazy about these days. Mummy was surprised because you did not seemed to like them... now at 3 plus, you can play with it almost everyday...

Dripping the chocolate on the cake pops. Mummy is so eager to try my own someday!

Tada! They look so pretty right... like a piece of art. :)

After ballet, we would always walk pass this.... after coming back from Disneyland, you would be so eager to sit on these toy machines. Luckily it is 50 cents so Mummy allowed... such simple joy. :)

Mummy also spent time with my pals last week... like celebrating Auntie Melanie's birthday! Beside her is Auntie Kangmin... We had Korean food..

With Auntie Serene!