Letter to Immanuel #108 Trip To Japan Part 1 (Sanrio Puroland, Toy Museum and DisneySea)

Friday, March 03, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!!

Finally the long awaited trip came!! You were looking forward to it so much. Although I will still remember what you said a few mths earlier "you know, a lot of my friends go overseas" and I said that " we are going to Japan Disneyland".. and you said "my friends go to Disneyland many times". Hm I then had a talk with you regarding how fortunate we are already to be able to travel once in a while and mummy really appreciated that we could all spend time together, especially with the fact that Daddy is away. It was a gd bonding time for all of us. Both of you also clamored for Daddy's attention: wanting to hold hands with him, sleep with him etc, hehe, to the extend that Mummy will say, "you all don't want Mummy already right?" then you would say "I want!" You are always such a sweet boy and I realised you have grown up a lot. You were matured and walk for long distances without complaining and also pushed the new luggage that we had on the last day. :) Let's start to reminisce about the trip!

Reached! Brrrr.....

Checked in to Keio Plaza Hotel and going to Sanrio Puroland....

The walk was really great... first experiencing the cold weather! But it soon became not so gd for you cos your skin became really dry! And together with your eczema it soon became quite painful. :(

At Sanrio Puroland, one of the games you liked to play was this: you had to push this lever down and bubbles will pump out. Me and daddy were like "sigh, got so many things, but you just like to play with this one thing..." And Ko joined you too...

One of the train rides which we took abt 3 times round! Despite it being the low peak season, it was still filled with throngs of people and we took a long time queuing. Sanrio Puroland is such a happy place. Though we came more cos of Ko, you really enjoyed yourself too.. sometimes the simplest fun is the best, esp when you and Ko kept running around, which made Daddy and Mummy very frustrated at times, haha...

Even the toilet was nice too right? hahah..

After our day trip to Sanrio, we checked into our hotel, because it was the off peak season, we were upgraded to the Hello Kitty Room with no extra costs! Whoopeee!!!

Our beautiful room! 

And the toilet was so pretty once again. :)

Mummy and Daddy could not resist being cute too!

Now with all of us!

After we checked out from Sanrio, we went to the toy museum, it was such a wonderful place filled with traditional games and ideas.... definitely a very fun place!

This was something both you and Ko enjoyed very much.... arranging the small balls around this ....

Look at that! Mummy and daddy once more were amazed at your steadfastness in all these. :)

This was a game that Mummy definitely could not do it. You had to move the ball down towards you without letting it fall through below. Got laughed at by Daddy for attempting.. hehe... Daddy tried to guide you too!

Tops with beautiful patterns when they spin...

You loved doing this so much that we got it at the store for you. The blocks are magnetic. You really love doing patterns and structures like these.

Simple toys with great effects like repetition and sounds.

Next we went to the fire museum. By the time we were there, we didn't have much time to explore already but still it was fun just seeing the exhibits.

On our way to Disneyland Hotel! It was already very late but both of you are full of energy... the atmosphere of the cold air, the disney songs and the cute looking drain certainly made it an energetic atmosphere despite the long day that we had earlier.

This was where we stayed at....

Outside our hotel room...

The next day at Disneysea, Mummy didn't take much photos cos it was just too cold for me to take my phone out... hehe.... This was one of the boat rides with Daddy!

Sharing this bread together with Ko during our lunch time break! Such treats were great in the cold weather....

One of the rides that you enjoyed taking too... I guess we seldom have these kinda experiences... on a Merry Go Round. Mummy remembered that it was something I loved when I was a kid too... simple yet joyful. :)

When we were back from Disneysea, both of you were so hungry! We didn't exactly have a proper dinner because it was sooo croweded at most places. Luckily we had this bowl noodles... it had mayonnaise.. which made it even more delicious! Both of you ate it using a stirrer as we had no chopsticks.. yet it was the fastest meal both of you ever had, despite being handicapped in utensils. :)

Trying on the yukata that was provided....

End of our first part of the journey!! :)