Letter to Immanuel #113 Smart Kids Asia Colouring Competition

Thursday, March 23, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!!

This last Fri, Mummy brought you to join the colouring competition at SmartKids Asia.... you have always love colouring. But at the same time, Mummy doesn't know how the competition was going to be like. Luckily it was pretty free and easy. We went on a Fri morning so it was not crowded. When you started, you were really full of focus and changed many colours for an object. Mummy was wondering how long it would take you and if you would get tired.

Surprisingly to me, you were really focused. Maybe because I told you that it was a competition and you had to try your best. :) You kept asking me if it was nice and I said "very!" Mummy also told you that it does not matter if you win or lose, as long as you tried your best... :) And that is how I would want you to be in future. Always try your best and never give up! Mummy is also superrrrrr proud of you! I thought you coloured so well for a 5 year old.


We also went around trying the different activities. This allows you to track your concentration and see brain activity. Well, Mummy was not really keen on that actually. I always think as long as you are happy and do lotsa physical activities, you will do great!

Trying out a music activity there!

After that, Mummy brought you to get a transformer toy, kinda a motivation :) It was great spending time with you!