Letter to Immanuel #112 A Visit to Central Fire station

Thursday, March 23, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!!

We went to visit Central Fire Station recently. Mummy knew that there was a show every Sat from 9am to 11am at every fire station but this was one of the biggest... so thought we would just tour this fire station.

We learnt how the medics work.

You also got a chance to go into one of the fire brigades.

And see how the firemen do their job...

They had to use a radar to see where the fire starts. One fireman will hold it and guide the other fireman. They had to walk in a straight line like this.

Mummy thought it was really interesting to see them but you found it boring, hee.. it is ok, Mummy guess you would not be a fireman after all. :)