Letter to Reiko #131 Our Last Part of Cape Town Journey

Tuesday, August 01, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

We have come to the last part of our Cape Town. We met Auntie Dap at Canal walk as we wanted to catch a play... Peter Pan!!! Before that, we went to the arcade to play and take pictures.

You also did some colouring at Toy Kingdom... colouring is really one of your favourite activity these days! :)

We also said goodbye to Everview Bungalow at Camps Bay and went to Erinvale Estate which was near Somerset West. It was extremely HUGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And also kind of cold because there weren't much curtains. I was thinking that the place is definitely too huge for my comfort.. luckily we invited Auntie Dap to stay with us or it will seem too big and lonely.

It was like a childcare centre in one of the rooms - a playroom. Imm pretended to be the teacher and drew on the whiteboard. It was so fun! :)

The playground outside the house but it was too cold to play...

We had a cosy dinner with Aunt Dap. It was a simple pasta dinner with mushroom sauce.

Eating together with Nicole Jie...

The next day, we went to Lourensford so that Mummy could buy all my coffee... and you enjoyed yourself as Nicole read to you. :) She is such a good and sensible girl and you definitely enjoyed playing with her!

Enjoying our huge chocolate cake and coffee!!!!

Having your nice bath again!

On one of the mornings, we went to Vredenhof and had breakfast there. Mummy loved it because it has a pirate ship and you could just climb and play on it.

Breakfast was amazing! You loved this. Sour dough crepe with fruits.. it is sooooo fresh!!!

We also went to the Giraffe House where we could feed the animals.

The last day, we had breakfast at Vergelegen...

Playing with the fountain...

Breakfast with good company and good food :)

And good sunny fun..

Our last place was at Franschoek Cellars.. a place that was recommended and we had not gone before.. There was an indoor playground there.. perfect where the adults could sip coffee and the kids could play...

Our last meal stop! Having Sushi buffet at Sakae..... it was nice coming back to somewhere so familiar again.....

Yay.. it had been such a wonderful time as we collate these memories and put them into our treasure pockets.. Mummy and Daddy had such a great time walking down this memory lane. The only thing was.. Mummy did not have enough clothes to tahan as most of them were in India.. ahhaha.. I love being in the sun when it is winter! :) Koko.. hope you enjoyed your birthday, I think it is something you will definitely remember!