Letter to Reiko #134 Playlah event, Botanic Gardens and Devon's Party

Monday, August 14, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

This was you at Aunt Diana's place.. celebrating Devon's birthday.. you looked so happy with all the blue balloons... definitely not feeling blue! :)

Singing the birthday song together... Happy 1st Birthday Devon!

And we continued playing in the mini play area after that...

Water play for the children.. so fun right?? You can be so serious just pouring the water.. :)

Oh yes! you also started your first swimming lesson.. it was actually raining quite heavily but we prayed in the car and ten minutes into the lesson, we could swim again... God definitely increases the faith of children..

After swimming, we went to the Botanic Gardens for a picnic and some scooting... you wanted Daddy to pull you along...

Yay we could definitely have our first picnic as a family!

Oopsie! An accidental photo of you falling.. it was quite a nice shot.. though you whined after that.. hehe..

We also went to this Playlah event at Expo, in conjunction with National Day.... it was simple and fun, with the Singaporean themes..

We got 10 free coupons and exchanged it for some games.. the queues were pretty long so we waited...

And had dinner at the same time... what a good idea right??

You on the bumper boat.. actually you didn't exactly know how to do it and could not move in the direction you wanted but you managed to turn and paddle it a little... you still enjoyed yourself.. which was important...

We played games like trying to throw the balls into the coloured holes. if you hit 3 of the same colours, you get a big prize.. you managed to hit 2 of the same colours with 5 balls! yay... and got free milo and biscuits as your prize...

Our maze game before we left the place...

Yay.... continuing our fun filled weekends as a family in future posts!