Letter to Immanuel #155 Celebrations and Adjusting to School

Friday, January 12, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!!

The highlight for you this week is seeing you adjusting well in school. You said that you were not happy and sad any longer but just happy. You also "did not think of us the whole day" - meaning Daddy and Me. Haha... I am so happy that my boy is so friendly and it is definitely easy for you to make friends. On days when I go to student care to fetch you, I see you talking to 2 boys, Taylor and Elliot... You also told me about this friend Kingston, who also bring the same pokemon book as you. Others are Aiden and Tyler etc. So many. And you are in purple group with the lowest points because 2 boys in your group keeps talking, lol..

The next highlight was celebrating Popo's birthday! You ate a lot that day. Actually these days!!

And Sonya turned 1 month young!

Oh! we also celebrated Kate's birthday... a nice pic of both of you together! :)

You really enjoyed the magician too. A pity you didn't want to take the group photo as you were fussing - you wanted to open up this gift: a small parachute but daddy said no as he wanted you to bring home to play. Also because everyone was opening and we didn't want to mess up the place. In a way also delayed gratification huh? Daddy always want to "teach" us that, even to Mummy, hahhaha

Enjoying Ko's kiss?

Imm, you were still crying in the mornings but less now. But you would be ok and would enjoy bread/buns and koko crunch with milk. During dinner, you really eat so much now!!!!! Gosh.... and we would be "busy" preparing you for bed as you would be so tired. Hope you can get adjusted in terms of sleep soon. Mummy understands it could be hard to wake up in the morning. when I was in P1, I was in the afternoon session. Let's work hard together Imm, in terms of fun and school. :)