Letter to Immanuel #153 Christmas and End of Year 2017

Saturday, January 06, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!!

We have come to the last post of 2017. Why were you so happy in this pic? It was cos you were going bowling with Ashton that day... this whole week, Mummy practised with you on waking early... Usually you would wake at 645 am but in Pri sch, you would have to wake at 6 am.... so this day, you were also the first in sch:) You really love preschool so I hope you would continue to love Primary Sch. well another phase of life is ending. Sometimes I really wish you would forever be a small boy but I know you would have to grow up... :)

Your last outing at preschool - going for the duck tour!!

Daddy accompanied you and ko. :)

why was Jamie (ko's friend) looking so angry?

Christmas time!! Playing with the early comers - Shermaine and Emmanuel Choon. Shermaine is going to Yang Zheng and Emmanuel is going to Maris Stella..

During Christmas Eve, Auntie Meijing invited us over for a playdate and we got to play with Kate and Tyler.. You wanted to watch Tv badly but Auntie Meijing limited you.. and you were crying a little.. but soon, you were ok again!

Christmas is always so fun for kids.. cos of the presents!! :)) The excitement of opening them are... priceless!! Somemore Mummy let you open 1 a day only. I realise delayed gratification is better.. and I could make sure you finish what is impt before "rewarding" yourself.. hehe...

Happy faces during this end of year season.....

Oh yes! Mummy was wrecking my brains over what to make for your cousins.... I felt that not every child likes gingerbread man so I made some german cookies instead.. red and green to represent Christmas..

And your job was to help me to pack the cookies.. you always love to do things like that and Mummy tries to let you help around:) Thank you for being so helpful boy...

Ok, and we have come to the last post of 2017.. it had definitely been one fulfilling year and next year would be one filled with many changes.

Just know that Daddy and Mummy will always be around to help you cope with the changes and challenges. Most important of all, I wish for you to enjoy your childhood and we want to make many more memories together. Despite joining the "rat race", mummy has prepared you well in terms of academics... all with the hope that you can continue to have fun and enjoy yourself... haha... I am sure you are going to have a great and fun time in Primary sch. :D