Letter to Reiko #163 Our Family Nature Times

Saturday, March 31, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

We went longkang fishing again, this time with Alex, Clara and Anthony. You had a lot of fun playing with Clara jie.

And you were so happy about the fish that you were very excited in feeding them.

We went to Sungei Buloh a couple of weeks ago. Mummy had been wanting to go there to trek along... 

Such a serene sight right? Really loved it. :)

You and Kor were fighting about whose branch was longer.. haa

But the next moment can be extremely loving to each other!

We also went to Sentosa after that. It was a nice hot day! You and Kor had lotsa fun playing and digging in the sand before you eventually went to the foam party. Mummy didn't take much of the foam photos of you though cos it was just too wet.

Enjoying having a fun tattoo!

We also went to Labrador Nature Reserve during the next weekend.

After walking for quite a bit, we settled to have our picnic!

And also blew bubbles! It was just nice and quiet time together. :)

You and your funny pose!

How nice to see this sight everyday for the people who live here right? Reminds me of our Cape Town... That said, I don't hear you saying you want to go to Cape Town anymore... hee.. well but indeed those are the memories that will definitely last Mummy for a lifetime!

We settled for a nice and fulfilling lunch after our super long walk!

Some other random pictures. You at music class!

And brushing your own ballet shoes!

Mummy hope you have lots of fun growing up ya.. You are growing more fiesty but also more loving and independent.. sometimes you are at the stage in which you said you are a big girl but at other times, still the "youngest in the family" - so you don't know how to do many things yet. Mummy is often amused by the things you say... :)

Letter to Immanuel #163 Our Family Nature Adventures

Saturday, March 31, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!!

2 weekends ago, we went with your godbro Alex to some Longkang fishing!! It was our second time doing this and you really loved it. You got to be pretty fast with it too.. :) During the first time, the fishes died pretty quickly but since we had company it was nice to spend some time waddling in the water again.. good weather too!

A pic with our loot!

I think you were tired that day already.. after an outing of fun.. haha

Oh yes that week Mummy also took off and we went to trek at Sungei Buloh... love the nature there!

We also climbed up this dome like structure to have a better view of things.

And it was funny how you and Ko went to pick the branches and compared whose was longer.. everything also can compare and fight with.. haa

But at the end of the day, also could be very loving!

That very same day, we also went to Sentosa as there was a funfest there... free entry!! Whilst queuing to go in to a waterplay area, the guy went around to do tattoos for the children... I was thinking that it was such a good idea.. occupy and distract the children.:)

You collected a bucket of sand and went to collect water numerous times to put into the bucket as we did not allow you to bring the sand in. You always had such funny ideas.. hehe..

The following weekend, we went to Labrador Nature Reserve. These 2 weeks were indeed filled with lots of nature! :) Mummy just wants all of us to be super duper healthy!

After walking for quite a bit, we settled down for a picnic! Yumz!

We walked by many nice houses... is also a nice and serene place with yachts... Mummy was reminded of Cape Town where we had a nice water area in front of the housing area. We really missed Cape Town right?

After the long walk to Vivo, we settled for nice lunch at Yoshinoya!

Recently, you shared with Mummy a pic you did in school.. 5 loaves and 2 fish and told Mummy abt the story. It was nice seeing you grow in faith and you would tell me how much you loved God :) School has been doing a lot of good work in you! Since it was nearing Easter, you would also tell me about the disciple that betrays Jesus and lots of other stories.. :)

Imm, in this entry is more about perseverance as we trek along the paths. Mummy and daddy will ask you to jiayou each time you feel tired. This is what family is about right? Cheering each other on when the going gets tough. Mummy hopes to be strong enough each time to give you encouragement as we journey on in life too. Cliche as it may sound but how real.. when the going gets tough, the tough gets going!

Letter to Immanuel #162 Safra Playground and Simplest Moments

Saturday, March 24, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!

We went to Toa Payoh safra again to play cos you requested for it. These days, you have lots of ideas and would think of storylines to play with Ko. Like you would tell Ko, "Imagine that we have only each other, we are lost, imagine we have no daddy and mummy ook? Pretend we are doing this... or that..." :) And Ko will just follow you.. hahaa.. so even a seemingly boring playground is filled with adventure :)

You love taking the MRT. This is one of the photos in which Daddy fetched you home from school.. you are soo happy just taking the train together. It is really the simplest moments in which we can find joy in right? :)

Letter to Reiko #162 Playground Moments

Saturday, March 24, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

2 weekends ago, we went to Safra again.. once in a while, it is just nice to go to an indoor playground and Daddy Mummy can relax too! Nowadays Imm will come up with games and ideas to make the playground seemed like an adventure and you would just listen to him... It is sure fun watching both of you these days, thinking more of new ideas to play and also inevitably end up quarreling most of the time.. haha

Mummy took leave one of the weekdays and fetched you home from school. You wanted to go to the playground. You have not played at the playground when Wai gong fetches you home because  you know that he has leg pain and want to be a good girl. That's what you told me. With a reason like that, it is hard to reject when you ask me if you could play right? :)

I love the way you play by yourself and just want to explore. When Mummy says it is time to go, you would gladly oblige. That's such a good behavior. Mummy wants to kiss you 1 million times then. hehe..

Letter to Reiko #161 Fun with God Siblings

Monday, March 05, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

Capturing some of the fun moments you had with Clara jie!! It is so nice to see all the 5 kids running around and sweating it out. You loved to play with Clara Jie, your God bro sis...

Daddy is so happy too to be running around and working it out! :D We must definitely have more physical fun as a family with our friends. Mummy place health as the number 1 priority!


Ko, Yay they are coming over during the Mar hols.. more fun till then!!! :)

Letter to Imm #161 Fun with God Siblings

Monday, March 05, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!!

We also caught up with your godbrother Alex! After dinner at Watami, we went to the CitySquare Playground, it was really loads of fun!!

And look at Daddy trying to balance on the seesaw.. Daddy is always the funny one to make us laugh... :D

Weee, fun times with our god siblings too! Looking forward to them coming to our place during the March hols! You were counting down to the days!

Letter to Reiko #160 CNY Reunion and Hols

Monday, March 05, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!

What a feast! reunion dinner time! It had been a long time since Mummy had steamboat.. And now we could have it just outside our houses! We had a big area outside popo and our house that we could put a big table and house all our food! Great family time!

With Popo and Wai gong!

In the midst of transiting.. Daddy had just built finish the tables! During this CNY we also had a chance to do some cleaning, moving and clearing stuff in our new house..

Oh yes, and not to forget daddy brought u out to Punggol water play to have fun too!!! Daddy had been spending much more time with you and helping mummy to save her leave for rainy days. Loved to see your happy face though I can't be there... Daddy will help to take pics!

And what did we do on the first day of CNY? Help Ma-ma to peel eggs!

We visited Gonggong's grandaunt and everytime we go to her house, we would play with the doll house there..

Uncle Gregory made this! He is always the chef in the family... thanks to him we have yummy food! and he will also be the one saying all the nice CNY nice words with Yusheng :)

We also had some friends over during the CNY weekend. Sarah meimei!

And Eli Didi over for dinner! It was funny that he wanted to sit on the chair when the table is so low.. and you? You decided to follow him.. hmm!

You loved to play with Khloe jie jie! Both of you would be running around during family gatherings.. Mummy is happy to see you having so much fun!! :)

Dear Ko, 

Mummy is so happy to see you having fun with your cousins. May you continue to play well and treasure your family!