Letter to Immanuel #167 Revolution Coffee, Fun times

Saturday, April 28, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!!

Sometimes Mummy can feel rather stressed cos I just like to do many things with both of you.. hee... and both of you would quarrel more when Daddy is not around! gosh... but thankfully this was an attempt that worked... Aquabeads! Though later on you would take over yet again.. when you keep telling Ko what to do and she didn't listen, you just SLOWLY take over... :}

The next day, Daddy and Mummy went JB for a day while you settled at Ma-ma's house... we needed the extra break for selfcare! :)

And we also went to a very special place and met up with the Mexican Family... Revolution Coffee! I remembered you banging through the glass door once when you were a toddler. We didn't come here often as we were overseas for a while but this place definitely holds special memories for us to gather together. Uncle Ajie has closed down this cafe but I am sure we will always remember it....

It is such a happy place for nice food and coffee!!

Letter to Reiko #167 Revolution Coffee, Simple Moments

Saturday, April 28, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

These couple of weeks, Daddy had to go for lessons and so Mummy had to dig out some hands on toys!

You finished a little princess.. but oops Mummy forgot to take a pic of it... The morale actually was.. you and Imm could work really well together! - Well at least for a short while.. hahah

And after that me and Daddy went JB for a day to destress.. hehehehe... Mummy was having a difficult week at work and I really need the break... so we could both care for you better! Recharge and self care is important ok Ko? Must remember as you grow up :)

And we also visited Uncle Ajie's cafe... it had been running for 5 years before he closed it down. Remembered you were still so young when we brought you here...

A photo before we say bye to the cafe! it had certainly brought lotsa memories for us and for many others who frequent this cafe.. life is full of endings and new beginnings.. Uncle Ajie is also goning to have a new baby soon!

Letter to Reiko #166 Our Outing to Gardens By the Bay

Saturday, April 28, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!!

Yay!! Another outing! This time to see the Sakura!

We saw many lovely plants and cactus. When we reach the Sakura area, the place was intricately designed. I asked you to pose for pictures and you simply amused me with your poses. In the beginning, you pulled your dress so high up.. oops! haha... I know how you wanted to curtsey nicely like a ballerina!

And having you and Imm monkeying around with this too.. it is really funny both of you just leaned on it and looked like you have no necks.. or swimming above the costume :P

A family pic together. But we didn't get as much a view we wanted. Thats the issue of having someone taking photo for us.. hmm..

Happy faces! maybe Imm.. shy face?

Now we all look happy!

I am really tickled by your angry look here!

I hope you enjoyed urself ko, cos I certainly did!! These days, you really talk non stop... but one issue we had with you is your sleeping! One day you would sleep with popo, 1 day with mummy and 1 day in your room. You are just so scared to be sleeping in the room yourself... Sometimes making mummy irritated cos you would wake me up when I am just about to fall asleep. hmm, I hope we can all settle in your own room soon!

Letter to Immanuel #166 - Gardens by the Bay!

Saturday, April 28, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!!

Off we go to Gardens by the Bay to see Sakura! Both you and Ko were pretty excited about it. I guess outdoors is always fun.. even on a hot day!! :)

We saw some interesting flora and fauna but you and ko were busy running around..... :| So Daddy and Mummy just took pics on our own by a slow stroll... once in a while we would have to shout at both of you... :)

A family photo!!

It was quite funny getting both of you to stand there... we had to do this a few times.. look like you all have no necks!! haha.. look at your cheeky face!

You wanted to take with this plant because you found it interesting that it could open and trap insects inside. That's how curious and fascinated you were about all these. Is it called the Venus trap? Actually Mummy remembered you telling me 1 year ago that you wanted to come here to see this plant..

There was a Japanese fair there too.. Mummy wanted to try the Lavender icecream. Surprising it was really good!! It didn't taste like detergent at all.. hehe... You tried it too but you didn't really like it.

Another family photo.. this time without mummy's fat arms.. hahhaha... where are you looking boy?

Another one at the Cloud Forest where we walked down the winding slope down. it was really fun actually. Mummy enjoyed myself. Why does Ko look angry though? I couldn't really remember.. all I know was that I enjoyed the trip and walk. I hope you did too!!

Imm you can be such a crazy boy like in this pic. Though what we kept scolding you about recently was your terrible whines. We do hope we can help you to manage your emotions and learn that although life is not easy, we can easily do it with lotsa love and encouragement, which you can get freely from us. In fact Daddy and Mummy try our best each day, I know you are too..... We love you boy!

Letter to Reiko #165 Shopping and waffles time with family and friends

Saturday, April 14, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

Happy moments of marketing with Imm and Daddy!

This is your favourite section right?

Mummy and popo bought some plants and you happily put them nicely into containers with Mummy. Let's see how they turn out in a few weeks! :)

You wanted to eat pandan cakes so Mummy baked some for you!

Our trip to West Coast! we wanted to go East coast intially but it was pouring so luckily there was West Coast!

It is always so fun to dig into the sand! Mummy was actually happily blowing bubbles!

Climbing together... You managed to climb more than the previous time!

Having fun together!

You are the "mummy" feeding the "baby"! :P

We also went to the Pancake cafe with the Mexican Family.. you loved the pancake!

You and your cheeky face. You just love posing in pictures and have this bright smile..

Hello Sarah Mei Mei!

Spending time together with our friends!

Playing with something fun! we made that! Will write more in the next entry!

Letter to Immanuel #165 West Coast and Fun Moments with Mexican Family

Saturday, April 14, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!!

your happy pic when Daddy or Mummy picks you up.. it had become a routine when we take you back on the MRT.. we would go to Novena Square and then we would stop by bread talk and eat your favourite floss bread! There is a sitting area over there so just nice for a 10 min siesta!

Same as for Mummy and Popo.. also having our break time!

Mummy really hopes this plants can grow well... I don't think Mummy have very green fingers somehow. :( But it is still fun to do something together as a family. you were excited to look at them too!

Daddy brought both of you out to do some grocery shopping so could let mummy have some rest time after work.. what a considerate Daddy!

Pandan cake that you like to eat too! Though ko likes it much better. :) Still, Mummy loves to bake for both of you! If I have the time, I would try to do that every weekend...

Since our indoor playground pass has ended, we are going outdoors! Initially we wanted to go East coast but it started to rain, so we went West Coast instead!

So therapeutic and Mummy brought along the cake I baked in the morning for your snacks!

A family who climbs together grows more in love together! Haa.. though Mummy can't climb much cos I am actually a bit scared of heights.. haa!

being crazy together!

This is when you pretended to be a baby and Ko fed you. Nowadays both of you likes to play such pretend play games.. :)

During the weekend, we also went to Pancake Cafe! This is with your godsis sarah mei mei..

What are we playing so happily with? Let's see the next entry!