Letter to Immanuel, Reiko and Ariel Nov 23 #276 #58 Primary School Graduation, End of Year successes

Thursday, July 11, 2024 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Kiddos, 

It is Nov, end of the school term!! Guess the highlight was really Imm's graduation from Pri school! Before that, awaiting the release of PSLE results on 22nd Nov was the crux of Nov. 

Here is Daddy and Mummy with Imm, one of the last few days of school.. one of the last few times in which we will visit the school. Mummy remembers the movie nights here the most :)

The day of receiving the results, a day of trepidation. Daddy could only come later because he had his blood donation (what?!). We had our breakfast at Xin Wang HongKong cafe at Novena before walking to Imm's school. 

What a day! A time when we see boys crying, laughing, rolling on the floor, chatting with teachers etc. Such a myriad of emotions. And Imm was one of the last few to receive, being surname "W". Imm scored AL 12 for his results, something that was below our expectations. We were a little worried as AL 12 was the cut off for SJI and we are not sure if he could get in. It was a little emotional as Imm seemed disappointed. However, we all know we did our best and we left whatever would happen next in God's hands.

Our meal after receiving the results - Hajime at Serangoon Gardens as Mummy had to go back to work. One of Imm's favourite places for Japanese food!

Another important ceremony in Nov... Mummy was at a hospital appointment but luckily could follow the youtube recording and took a snapshot of Imm receiving his graduation cert... :)

Imm's classmate, Jeremy's mother also organized a graduation party for the boys at her house. So nice of her to open up her house till after midnight...

And also decorated the place for the boys:)

Ko's achievement for the year - receiving the Mother Matilde award for the 2nd year in a row.

Fun times - having the kids' favourite yoghurt - Smooy!

Past-times - started ballet and Taekwando for the girls...

Picnic by the beach, when Godpa made some awesome sandwiches for us! He is the chef when it comes to times like these.. like cooking for us during our Japan trip.

Meals with Mama...

Playing the Twister Game together!

Bi's art for the year..

And (acting) cute pictures:)

The 3 rascals

Mummy likes this - something that Ko made when Mummy scolded the kids. So creative right?!

And a picture to commemorate the last day of school!!

In Nov, we also set up our Christmas tree, Bi was the only enthu one... so must capture this pic of the Xmas tree with her happy face.

Kiddos, You have worked hard throughout this year, especially Imm! Though you whine and cry during the tough moments when Mummy had to drill you for work, you were still able to persevere and enjoyed the tough journey. Remember that PSLE was not all about results but the spirit of consistency, perseverance and determination. Daddy also became a volunteer at your school to conduct oral practice (for Chinese!), so he can go through with you too! Ko also played less games so you could focus better. We all worked hard as a family to help you through this milestone... congrats in finishing your primary school journey. Ko, you were great in achieving the Mother Matilde award! Not easy to do that also and congrats! Bi, enjoy your childhood, learning and experiencing all the fun you can :)