Letter to Immanuel, Reiko and Ariel Mar 24 #280 #62 Cruise with Family, Gathering with Legionaries

Sunday, July 14, 2024 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm, Ko and Ri, 

Think the highlight for this Mar is going on a cruise with Daddy, Mama, and the aunties uncles. Mummy didn't go along but saw that you all had a lot of fun from the photos :)

Another activity was resuming the Sat Novena devotion and Imm coming along with me for one of the week! It's a nice routine to go to Novena and pray for others.

Ko did a wonderful drawing of an anime character - Mummy doesn't know who. But love Ko's drawings! So far, all the kiddos have shown talent in art:)

OLGC Family day! in which we went to Sengkang, we walked together. Imm had something on and couldn't join us.

There were food, games and bouncy castles. We had a lot of fun!

Bi, parading at the shop with the hat.

And posing as a ballerina.

Did you notice her make up in this picture?

One of the sad news this month is that our Pichu that has been with us for 2 years, died. He lived till an old age. We all wrote notes for him. 

From Imm:

From Ko:

From Bi:

We buried Pichu in a pot that is outside our house now. Dear Pichu, we will always remember the fun times we had together with you. Hope you will be happy in hamster heaven.

A highlight of Mar was Bi being sooo excited about a school activity - posting a card to a friend! From drawing to colouring, writing the address and putting on a stamp, everything was so exciting and new to her :)

Finally depositing it in a mailbox, Mummy was so amazed at her enthusiam. Actually we should all have enthusiasm and joy for all the things we do :)

In Mar, we also had a gathering with Daddy and Mummy's friends from Legion of Mary in NUS. We went to Aunt Theresa and hb's house. They had a nice pool outside the house in which the kids could play in.

The kids really love playing with the cat :)

What a long awaited gathering. Looking back, we left NUS for almost 20 years!

A highlight for Daddy and the kids was probably going on a cruise during the Mar hols, together with Ma-ma and the aunties, uncles.

Could imagine that Ko could eat all the foods she wants too :) and join in the activities.

Imm folding the paper towel?

With the aunties and uncles too!

Ko outing with daddy, love this pic!

After Imm's fencing

We also had a gathering with part of the Mexican family - we prepared chicken casserole. Both Ko and Ri helped out with mixing the chicken, potatos, carrots, chicken soup and then putting it into the oven!

The results turned out well and we all had a good meal!

Hanging out 1-1 with bi - going out to Beauty in the Pot. There was a small playground outside, just nice for Bi to play at!

Imm also managed to have a playdate with Gabriel :)

Last of all, dinner gathering with Auntie Jenny and family. How all of us have grown!

Hey Kiddos, It's one quarter of the year and we have done so much! Esp during the school holidays. Let's continue to work hard and play hard ya?