Letter to Immanuel, Reiko and Ariel Apr 24 #281 #63 Fun Home Activities, Cable Car Rides, Steamboats and Grills

Friday, July 19, 2024 0 Comments A+ a-

 Hi Kiddos!!

Apr looks like a fun month as Mummy looked through the pictures. We managed to find time to play and do work at home. I guess Mummy enjoys seeing pictures of the kiddos working and playing hard :)

We set up the tent. The girls especially, love to play camping inside and hide themselves from the rest of the world.

Bi loves to draw these days and have been doing pictures like these. Her pictures are getting more real and human like!

This cake looks really atas right? 

Lego fun!

Colouring and drawing, simple activities to be occupied. Now the older kiddos prefer gaming and scrolling on phones.. part of teenage life.. *sobz*

We also bought Bi to waterplay at NEX on one occasion. Was super hot! Daddy and Mummy regretted not bringing our costumes along too.

All ready for modelling!

Managed to have a picture of Imm fencing, blur picture taken by the coach, haha

Ko also worked really hard this month, preparing for our new adopted hammie - Kathy! Have never seen this side of Ko before - building and constructing something. Guess she was really motivated to have Kathy come to her new home soonest!

And soon, we collected Kathy from the fosterer this month! We were all excited to help Kathy adjust to her new home.

We always love the food prepared at Auntie MJ's house!

Date with Daddy at JB! Where we would normally feast on dim sum, first on our list!

As part of Easter celebration, there was a free event at Esplanade, Gregorian Chants, which the kiddos can't appreciate much. Still, it was a good experience trying something new :)

During one of the PH - Hari Raya, we went to take cable car to Sentosa. Cable care rides are also one of our core family events since we have a membership :)

Another dinner event we had was steamboat with Auntie Elaine and family!

And hanging out at Kallang Wave Mall.. we would buy a myriad of foods from different shops and feast there. Love the pizzas and soups from the shops nearby.

Bi could also play at MOOVE.

We got some kiddy rides too! Bi is so into riding these now, especially on the pink animals.. since that is her favourite colour!

Last of all, steamboat with Auntie Joan and family! The kids love to play with Darryl!

What Mummy appreciates is that we try our best to have fun as a family and also inclusive towards friends. These makes PH and weekends much more enjoyable and we get to catch up with our friends :)