Letter to Reiko #63 Trip to Gardens by the Bay and Celebrating Reagan's Birthday

Thursday, March 31, 2016 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

A picture of you at the Dome at Gardens by The Bay! We went there with popo to see the flower display, especially the sakura, which was the last day that day. You really loved seeing the flowers especially the bright coloured ones. You always love pretty things like that. :) That reminds me, you have started choosing your clothes, even before we come back from school, you would ask me what you are going to wear after you bathe... gee.... :)

This is such a funny picture of you when I asked you to pose... is that a monster pose? :P

Then you started playing with your fingers....

A picture with popo! We had to occupy you with snacks so that you would walk more.. hehe.. luckily popo brought a lot of biscuits and cakes for you cos you are getting too heavy for Mummy to carry around much. It helps that the place is air conditioned..... :)

You insisted on lying down like that. These days, you sure have your moods.. insist on certain things that makes no sense at all to everyone except you.

Some pictures with Reagan the birthday boy! He had his birthday celebration last Sat. The last time he came, he made a heart out of playdoh for you.. so cute.. :) and now you looked so mesmerized by him..

And even wanted to kiss him.................

A happy girl with balloons!!

Having fun with the waterplay

This was at our Easter dinner at Auntie Mary's house. You kept following Elise around. You would always love playing with your jie jies... :)

We did some craft work on Easter itself.. basket weaving...

And painting your tortoise... at first, you painted yellow and red but then you took a big blob of green and blue, started painted all over the bright colours.. hehe.. ok I know beauty is skin deep.. or shell deep...

Letter to Immanuel #63 Of Reagan's Birthday and Musical Moments

Tuesday, March 29, 2016 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!

This is your very focused look when you are weaving the Easter basket. On Sat, Mummy did 3 crafts with you! Another was painting your aeroplane and doing your school project of creating something using recycled materials.

Here was what we used for recycling! I had to go dig the cupboard and tried to think of something. So we used a milk cartoon, bottle caps, aluminium foil, toilet rolls (last min as you wanted legs) and I discovered an old mousepad that we could cut up to let it become the hands.

Ko was very interested in you putting the glue.


Putting on the robot legs.

Tada! Simple school project we did.

We also painted our aeroplane! You have always loved painting and focus well on it. You would think of the different colours you want to add in.

A colourful aeroplane done by yourself! Good job Imm! :)

 These are Aunt Isa and Aunt Ade boys! Born only 1 mth apart! Jun Feng and Kyrian... :)

We were at Aunt Ade house for Reagan's birthday party and you really loved the magic show.. laughed and laughed.. see your happy face! And then you told me you want the magic show again recently..

Had a great waterplay session!

Posing with the birthday boy!!

A group photo

Lovely cake! You loved the chocolate cake.:) As usual.

We also packed Easter bags for your cousins the next day..

 Last of all, a music trial session!! You focused well but after 20 mins you wanted to go out of the room.

The teacher then asked if you wanted to try the drums and you enjoyed hitting it *really* loudly....

You gave me the impression that you didn't like the class much but when I asked you later, you said you liked it but was tired (though I purposely made you nap before that). I guessed you don't have much stamina.. which Mummy hopes you can improve on actually.. you only have stamina in playing your transformer toys nowadays. :) Let's try another trial session!

This week, you broke your promise and wanted to go to Ma-ma house after our family gathering. So Mummy was SUPER angry with you as I know you always don't want to come back to popo house after going to ma-ma house.. so I reminded you many times that you had to come back with me. You kicked a fuss and ended up going there while I had to walk over and fetch you to school in the morning. So....  I had to punish you again. I hope you would be a man of promise in future ok? :) Mummy was very tempted to promise you a big transformers and then say I don't want to buy it already.. (naughty mummy) but Daddy advised me not to.. hehe..

I hope you had a fun week my boy, it sure looked like it!

Crafts #12 Basket Weaving (An Easter Idea)

Tuesday, March 29, 2016 0 Comments A+ a-

I was looking for another idea for Easter and found an idea that is pretty feasible. Nowadays I am pretty limited in time, even though the children are schooling. I would do the housework, bake, cook on alternate days and plan materials for the kids. Or meet friends. So I thought this was pretty easy. I didn't do it as precise as I wanted but I thought it served the purpose. First, I cut out the shape of the basket and cut strips on them like this. I also prepared strips of paper of two colours.

First, I had to stick one end of the strip to the basket so it would not come out. Imm loved to weave it through like this. After he finished, I would stick the other end of the strip to the basket. For the next strip, just put it in an alternate way to weave so it would look like the basket at the end of the post. :)

I cut out the shape of the handle before laminating it. Imm wanted to cut it himself after I laminated it.

Ko need more help in terms of weaving. I thought her a new word "alternate". I would tell her to help me lift up the alternate piece so I can weave the paper in and she would follow instructions after I demonstrated.

Both very pleased with their products! You can put pics of Easter eggs. I have not got round to doing it yet though Easter Sunday is over.:) But I intend to do an addition/subtraction/division game of sorts for the fun of it.

How the baskets looked like:

Letter to Reiko #62 Diggersite and Elva's Party

Wednesday, March 23, 2016 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

I like this picture a lot; of you and Kor enjoying ice cream and he made you wear a party hat and pretended that it was your birthday... :) Both of you were just enjoying each others' company... and getting dirtied together. You don't really know how to eat an ice cream properly and it will be dripping all over your hands...

One of the highlights of the weekend was attending Elva's 1st birthday party!

You were mesmerised by the Hello Kitty balloons... and was very happy when Celeste let you hold it for a few moments..

Big Balloons!!

Another highlight was going to Diggersite. It was more for kor as I know he will enjoy trying to scoop up. It was more difficult for you and you couldn't exactly reach in front as well. :) But nonetheless you tried.

And posed!

Playing with Mummy's old kitchen toys. Somehow I missed your huge kitchen in Cape Town! :)

Just posing!

Enjoying home made bread with kor this morning! You don't really like the cheese though, unlike Kor.. he had two servings...

Letter to Immanuel #62 Trip to Expo, Diggersite and Heartwarming Moments

Wednesday, March 23, 2016 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!

Uncle Mark brought us to the Diggersite last week. You enjoyed using the digger to scoop the balls as you tried to control it. Too bad it was only for 5 mins. It costs $7 each and 3 tries was $18. I still felt it was a little *ouch* for the pocket. I was discussing with Uncle Mark that I would rather pay for a movie and have loads more and *longer* enjoyment. But I guessed it is different for kids.

And you also enjoyed scooping the sand by controlling the excavator with Uncle Mark....

Here is Uncle Mark with your godsister Sophie!! :)

During the weekdays, what does Mummy do at home?  I would plan you and Ko learning schedules, do errands like buying printer ink, source for cheap toys on taobao, bake cakes and bread for you and ko etc. And ..... Mummy also needed to have my me-time with my friends.. so we went to KTV to celebrate Auntie Isa and Auntie Ade birthdays.. Next time you will go with me to ktv ok? Mummy used to go almost every month when I was younger.. ahaha...

We went to the Smartkids Asia fair at Expo on Sunday. I knew you would love it. On the journey together! Frankly speaking it was almost your first time on the bus. Normally we would take trains. You asked me what the buttons are for and watched as people pressed the buttons and alight the bus. Hm, it *almost* seemed as if we were tourists! Frankly speaking, Mummy had not taken the bus for a long time too.. hehe...

I ate subway so that I can be full of energy and be prepared for the crowd. You had a late breakfast and didn't want to eat any food but wanted to eat the chips at the till counter. Sometimes, it is useless to fight with you so you had your chips and ate it.

You really love seeing the lego build up.

And you are totally in love with Transformers. You insisted on buying a small set for 8 years old when I asked if you wanted to get a simpler one.. hmm... Mummy also paid for a lego set that you wanted but when you saw the Transformers figurine of Optimus Prime, you cried and wanted it soooo badly that you pulled my bag and made me fall. :( I told you that if I could change your lego set to the Transformers set, then I would get it for you. You said ok. I managed to change it. *whew*

Look at your happy face at home!

I got a lego set for ko but you ended up building it for her.. haha

Enjoying ice cream together! You made Ko wear a party hat and said it was her birthday. It is so amusing to see both of you play together.

Playing with a new remote car that comes free from some free trial. :) This day, you were tired and kept crying when walking home from school.. there are always times like these.

While the day before, you are so good at finishing your meal and did not fuss at all. Brocolli and slow cooked honey chicken. Your favourite.

This was this morning.. eating ham and cheese bread that Mummy made.. :) Sooo satisfying to see the smile on your faces.

*Imm, it is not that Mummy don't want to buy as many toys as you wanted as I know toys are a heavenly treat for children but I don't want you to be tired of them easily and not know the value of money. In a way, I don't want you to be a spoilt brat and be surrounded with things. These are just for a moment's enjoyment.. ok many moments :)  but I want to inculcate appreciation of experiences and not just things ok? Hope you can understand my heart next time. :D