Crafts #11 Easter Rabbits

Wednesday, March 16, 2016 0 Comments A+ a-

It has been sometime since I started on my crafts again. First, I needed to organise my art and craft box and then see what I needed again as all of the art and craft stuff were shipped away. I could not bring the stuff back as we already had 8 luggages of things and in Singapore, it was actually easier to shop for craft stuff, I usually get from daiso, spotlight, art friend and popular. So after organising, doing a bit of shopping and researching on simple ideas, I finally found a simple and cute idea for our Easter. Making Easter rabbits!

The materials are actually very simple:

1) Plastic eggs
2) Pipe cleaners
3) cotton balls
4) Glue and scotch tape

First, I cut the pipe cleaner into half. Ko wanted to cut so I let her pose with it. Actually both Imm and Ko understood the dangers of scissors as I felt the importance of finger training. After I see how they handled it, I spoke to them about the dangers and told them there must always be an adult present when they are using. Now Imm will cut something that he wants to open up (packet of sweets? )with a scissors. He became rather independent. For Ko, she does not have the strength yet but she is trying to put her fingers properly through it now.

There were two holes in the plastic eggs so after cutting, we just folded it in like the rabbit's ears.

Imm was very insistent on drawing the face, so he drew for one of the rabbits.

However, the kids got a bit distracted after a while and I had to finish up the other 2 rabbits and pasted the tails using cotton balls (with glue) and pasted the feet using scotch tape.

Tada! After that, they enjoyed playing with the rabbits.. hmm..

Well, not all art and craft sessions are smooth sailing but I always tell myself that it is the process and the time together that is important. As the children love it, I see it as an opportunity to engage their creative minds and let them see that they can create anything they want as long as they have the image of the final product in their heads. That is why I always show them the picture of what we are going to do that day for them to have an idea. :)