Letter to Reiko #61 Birthday Party and Swimdate

Thursday, March 17, 2016 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

Mummy has been trying to plan activities for you as I love to see the smile on your face. Besides, you are so innocent and that it is not difficult at all to put a smile on your face! You did not have school last Fri as they have some meeting.. so I brought you and Kor to the waterplay at Nex, It is Mummy's first time bringing both of you actually... sometimes it is just Kor's tantrums.. I never know if I can handle it by myself. As he can be pretty unpredictable....... hehe.. anyway I am glad both of you had a great time. It is always nice to have company and play together!

You were more reluctant to get wet, unlike for Kor... his hair was totally wet!!! hehe.. You were trying to escape from him...

Trying to step in the hole to stop the water from spraying out...

Before that, we were at the library.. it was a bit of a disaster as you wanted to sing and talk loudly.. well, we hardly go to the library actually in Cape Town so I guessed it needs a bit of getting used to.

Happily eating bread and jam. You really loved the jam that popo made.

Slurping up the noodles.

Attending Berries class with JunHao! That's daddy's cousin (Auntie Serene's) boy... it was such a coincidence that both of you are in the same day same time class!

We celebrated Cherisse Jie's 5th birthday at Auntie Jenny's house. Cherisse's brother (Jerrell) was Mummy's ex student. Can't believed it had been 9 years since I taught him. He is not here because he was having lessons. 

Hugging Cherisse Jie!!

Auntie Jenny cooked the sushi toppings so that we could have a fun sushi making session. Mummy is always so impressed by her... I learn from her to have fun activities for you and Kor as well. :) It is not easy sometimes as brain juices run dry, energy level is low etc but we do it out of love and hope to have some fun together. The end results are always fulfilling.

Now Jerrell Kor is in the picture!

On Sunday, we went to Aunt Rina's house for a swim! Another of Mummy's first.. bringing both of you out on this double stroller. It is sooo heavy to turn the stroller with both of you and I had to heave it up a little when going into the MRT as the wheel might get stuck. Not to mention I have to say "excuse me!" loudly when I needed to go out of the train so that the crowd in front can disperse for me. Definitely a challenge and I was a bit stoned upon coming back.....

But both of you really enjoyed yourself with Clara Jie and Alex Kor!

Other simple activities were playing at the playground nearby..

And having Eli your godbrother visiting us, with his Mummy bringing him of cos. Auntie Qin is Kor's godmother and Mummy's bestfriend! He recently turned 1 year old in Feb..

On that day, we also had craft, making Easter rabbits!

Cute?? :) You loved playing with them.

Today, Daddy msged me and asked if you were ok. I asked him why and he said he suddenly remember your face as you fell into the bathtub water when you were very young. He said he read about a kid drowning. He told me he missed you a lot. You are always so dear to us... I send pictures of you and Kor everyday and we try to facetime almost daily. Just know that both of us love you a lot ok. Continue to grow up loving and kind just like how you are now.... :)