Letter to Reiko #63 Trip to Gardens by the Bay and Celebrating Reagan's Birthday

Thursday, March 31, 2016 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

A picture of you at the Dome at Gardens by The Bay! We went there with popo to see the flower display, especially the sakura, which was the last day that day. You really loved seeing the flowers especially the bright coloured ones. You always love pretty things like that. :) That reminds me, you have started choosing your clothes, even before we come back from school, you would ask me what you are going to wear after you bathe... gee.... :)

This is such a funny picture of you when I asked you to pose... is that a monster pose? :P

Then you started playing with your fingers....

A picture with popo! We had to occupy you with snacks so that you would walk more.. hehe.. luckily popo brought a lot of biscuits and cakes for you cos you are getting too heavy for Mummy to carry around much. It helps that the place is air conditioned..... :)

You insisted on lying down like that. These days, you sure have your moods.. insist on certain things that makes no sense at all to everyone except you.

Some pictures with Reagan the birthday boy! He had his birthday celebration last Sat. The last time he came, he made a heart out of playdoh for you.. so cute.. :) and now you looked so mesmerized by him..

And even wanted to kiss him.................

A happy girl with balloons!!

Having fun with the waterplay

This was at our Easter dinner at Auntie Mary's house. You kept following Elise around. You would always love playing with your jie jies... :)

We did some craft work on Easter itself.. basket weaving...

And painting your tortoise... at first, you painted yellow and red but then you took a big blob of green and blue, started painted all over the bright colours.. hehe.. ok I know beauty is skin deep.. or shell deep...