Letter to Immanuel #63 Of Reagan's Birthday and Musical Moments

Tuesday, March 29, 2016 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!

This is your very focused look when you are weaving the Easter basket. On Sat, Mummy did 3 crafts with you! Another was painting your aeroplane and doing your school project of creating something using recycled materials.

Here was what we used for recycling! I had to go dig the cupboard and tried to think of something. So we used a milk cartoon, bottle caps, aluminium foil, toilet rolls (last min as you wanted legs) and I discovered an old mousepad that we could cut up to let it become the hands.

Ko was very interested in you putting the glue.


Putting on the robot legs.

Tada! Simple school project we did.

We also painted our aeroplane! You have always loved painting and focus well on it. You would think of the different colours you want to add in.

A colourful aeroplane done by yourself! Good job Imm! :)

 These are Aunt Isa and Aunt Ade boys! Born only 1 mth apart! Jun Feng and Kyrian... :)

We were at Aunt Ade house for Reagan's birthday party and you really loved the magic show.. laughed and laughed.. see your happy face! And then you told me you want the magic show again recently..

Had a great waterplay session!

Posing with the birthday boy!!

A group photo

Lovely cake! You loved the chocolate cake.:) As usual.

We also packed Easter bags for your cousins the next day..

 Last of all, a music trial session!! You focused well but after 20 mins you wanted to go out of the room.

The teacher then asked if you wanted to try the drums and you enjoyed hitting it *really* loudly....

You gave me the impression that you didn't like the class much but when I asked you later, you said you liked it but was tired (though I purposely made you nap before that). I guessed you don't have much stamina.. which Mummy hopes you can improve on actually.. you only have stamina in playing your transformer toys nowadays. :) Let's try another trial session!

This week, you broke your promise and wanted to go to Ma-ma house after our family gathering. So Mummy was SUPER angry with you as I know you always don't want to come back to popo house after going to ma-ma house.. so I reminded you many times that you had to come back with me. You kicked a fuss and ended up going there while I had to walk over and fetch you to school in the morning. So....  I had to punish you again. I hope you would be a man of promise in future ok? :) Mummy was very tempted to promise you a big transformers and then say I don't want to buy it already.. (naughty mummy) but Daddy advised me not to.. hehe..

I hope you had a fun week my boy, it sure looked like it!