Letter to Immanuel #66 Your First Stayover and Another Score Check!

Monday, April 25, 2016 0 Comments A+ a-

Dear Imm,

There are so many things happening each week and Mummy seemed to be busier than in Cape Town... probably because Daddy isn't around and sometimes you can be just tough to handle. This is another late letter.. Mummy constantly has to play catch up to capture all these memories but I will try to do it. Better late than never. :) What striked me last week: Mummy has to rack my brains to keep you on the right track to be a loving, focused, well behaved, thoughtful, faithful boy that it leaves me exhausted at the end of the day. When you are good, you are just my perfect little boy. Sometimes, you just want to be "sayang-ed" and I refused to sayang you.. maybe because I always tell myself that I have to be strict and "wait" a little while. I struggle being a tyrant mum waving her cane to get you to bed every night and one who just wants to snuggle with you and hold you tight because I know you are growing up everyday and might not be my little boy anymore.

Still, I try my very best to make every week fulfilling and fun for you, just because you are my little boy and will always be.... in my heart. We went for a stayover at Jerrell Kor's house! Here is us having dinner together. His mummy cooked a sumptuous Japanese noodle dinner for us. It is simple yet filled with love. Mummy hopes that when we have our new place in 2 yrs time, I can also cook for your friends and see your happy faces.

You must be thinking, "what is the big deal Cherisse?" Hehe... actually you were very excited but I don't know what is this expression on your face. haa! This is such an awesome bed right? However, I took a looooong time getting you and Ko to sleep because you guys are just so excited. The routine to sleep is always a hard and arduous one, even at home. :(

The next day, we had lunch at Jpot. After our meal, Cherisse, Cherilyn and you were busy playing with the ice....

Some updates at home. A new chart Mummy did to keep you in check. This week is week 3. Mummy tends to die down in enthusiasm and not focus on the points. I must learn to commit so you in turn, can commit. :) It is so easy to lose focus when there are seemingly more important things.

This time I pasted a picture of the rewards. Each tobot is worth a certain number of points.  I told you that I would only buy for you when you reached the certain number of points. They are 75, 85 and 100 points. Actually all of them are hiding in the cupboard right now. :)

I attended a course at your school. Story telling! And made a puppet there...

while you and Ko played with kinetic sand at home... hehe. Mummy loves to attend courses that benefits you. I hope to be equipped with all these skills!