Letter to Immanuel #65 Art Science Museum and Our First Movie Date

Monday, April 18, 2016 0 Comments A+ a-

Dear Imm, (oops this letter is one week late so expect the next one very fast!)

I think this week was one of the most happening for you. It was the first time you watched a movie, we had a playdate with Darryl, (which was what you wanted for the longest time) and we also went to the Art Science Museum with Aunt Isabel, Uncle Zhen Yang and Jun Feng. This was you at the Art Science Museum... you were really happy to see the lights. Mummy really enjoyed myself too upon seeing the fusion of art and science, which was what I had hardly envision. Two subjects, worlds apart, can be so beautiful together.

A photo together!

You were really attracted by this: something that you could draw and have it shown on screen! :)

So relaxing eh? :) You would try to run from afar and jump on the couch. One time, you hit your head as you land more on the side where there were no beans in the beanbag. Ouch!

Starry starry night....

Second swimming lesson! It was another coach as he was more suitable to teach the younger age group. It took you sometime to be adjusted to him as well ( as like all things ) but once you were warmed up, you learnt fast. The coach say you are really brave in water! You kept smiling at me and I know you really like swimming. However, before that, you said you didn't want to swim but wanted to swim the next day. I was so mad and told you  in a low voice, "if you go home now, I will never bring you to the pool again." This is how you always test Mummy's limits.:P Luckily in the end, you enjoyed it a lot. So boy... never go by your initial feelings, you must always commit in something and give it a try. Sometimes emotions will overwhelm you and you would not feel like doing something but always let your will to commit overcome your emotion ok? It always pays to be consistent and persistent.  (of cos when it comes to the activities you already like) :)

We went for a playdate at Darryl's place! Finally Aunt Joan is free as she is always so busy with tuition. Sometimes, Darryl will "reprimand" you when you bully Ko... hahaha...

On the way there by train! :) Once again, this stroller is sooooo heavy with both of you. I felt like I just went for a marathon when I reached their place..... hehe

Playing at his corridor.

Ohhh!!! And this week was the first time that you went for a movie! We wanted to watch a movie in Cape Town : Avengers but you could not watch cos it was not allowed there for your age.. hmm.. anyway this time, Mummy won tics and brought you along. It was pretty fun for me but a little embarrassing throughout the movie cos you kept asking questions (like how you do when we watch TV at home) I kept asking you to talk softly. And halfway throughout the movie, you said you wanted to go home. AGAIN, you tested my frustration limits.. hehe.. luckily we finished the movie with some snacks. I sure hate watching a move 3/4 way, gee..

Playing with Ko at the slide this week!

Here you are, playing with your good friend, Hafiq from school.