Letter to Reiko #64 Breakfast at Botanic Gardens and Play Moments

Tuesday, April 05, 2016 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

You really do love playing with playdoh and you would be so amazed at pressing it out. And you would use all your strength. I simply love to see the "gek" look on your face, hehe. I also brought playdoh along when I bring you to church so you could be occupied. Besides that, you would love to do your sticker books and write together with Mummy. I have to plan more things for you because you don't exactly like TV, which is actually a good thing. :) Activities we did this week was going to the Botanic Gardens and reading a lot together!

Playground has kind of became a constant. Since both of you don't play on weekends. Furthermore, Kor's friends will join in and he would refuse to leave...

Kor and his good friend Ashton and with grandpa! Kor's friend sure looks so cool :)

Yes and here is a pic at Botanic Gardens with Auntie Diana and Katelyn! I think it was a long time since both of you last saw each other.. both of you started holding hands and you love Katelyn's Frozen sunglasses (is that an oxymoron?) it was a super hot day and mummy walked quite a bit with you as I didn't know the brekkie place was so far away from the entrance.. And we didn't even go to our intended place but met at somewhere more convenient. Mummy sure had an extremely good workout. But thank you for being well behaved and making things easier despite the heat. When Mummy tried taking a taxi, you were also good and climb the stairs by yourself while I carried the stroller. Bringing you out is always such a bliss and I love to see you enjoying yourself.

This is when Mummy is super tired and just handed over something mostly forbidden so I can get some rest. :)