Letter to Reiko #83 Celebrating Imm's Birthday in School With Him

Saturday, August 27, 2016 0 Comments A+ a-

Hiee Ko!!!

Last week, we celebrated Kor's birthday and you had a great time as well because you got to play a lot! We played at City Square Mall's mini playground. With Kor, you just have twice as much fun as there is someone to play and run around with you though this playground is very mini!

There was this small merry go around as well... hehe... You and Kor can be so happy over the smallest things!

We ate at Swenson there with Mama, Gong gong and Uncle Justin! You love playing with Uncle Justin!

Loveeee this super smiley Ko!!

Celebrating with kor together with his classmates! You are always so enthusiastic to share Kor's joy together :)

Playing our phonics game at home together this week.. matching the Mummy alphabet cup to the circles with baby letters. You enjoyed the cup game though it was really simple.. Mummy is really trying my best to cope with teaching you and thinking of games to make it fun for you to learn! :)

Letter to Immanuel #83 Your 5th Birthday Celebration

Saturday, August 27, 2016 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!!

Happy Birthday to you!!! You are five years old already!! Time really flies... Mummy can still remember you as a baby in my arms.. I remembered the way you hiccuped on your first day.. and I was very amazed that babies can hiccup! :) Frankly speaking, it has not been easy raising you cos you can be quite difficult! Sometimes, you just don't listen to reason and let your mood overwhelm you! But as you grow older, I start to realise all you wanted is to be "sayang" and comforted after I scold you.. after that you will resume back to your good boy status again. I have to strike a balance between seeing the severity of the naughtiness and whether to comfort you then. Definitely ain't an easy decision to make! :P

Celebrating your bday with your classmates! This year you wanted a bumbleebee cake for your bday. The bumblebee on top was your present! Ko also joined in and celebrated together with you.

Blowing out the candles!

Enjoying the cake together!

Enjoying your chocolate cake! :) Mummy also made some souvenirs for your friends.. for the boys I made small transformer keychains with their names and for the girls, it is Princess Sophia... :)

Last week, we also celebrated with Mama, gong gong and Uncle Justin at Swenson City Square Mall. You were happy just eating your teriyaki chicken with rice meal.

Having your ice cream after that!

A family pic together!

Together with Uncle Justin!

Playing with Mama!

Trying to pinch her nose!

After that we played at a mini playground outside City Square Mall.

Hi Boy! Hope you enjoyed celebrating your birthday as much as I did! We always try to make it a memorable one for you. As you turned 5 years old, Mummy wants to tell you that I am happy the way you are now.. most of the time you are a good boy and cares a lot for others. Nowadays, you would always tell me that you love me a lot before you go to school. I hope this will continue even as you grow older.. to be so affectionate and loving. :)

Mummy and Daddy love you lots! Thank you for teaching us so much abt parenting.. we have definitely grown a lot as well! :)

Letter to Reiko #82 Celebrating Imm's Early Birthday

Sunday, August 21, 2016 0 Comments A+ a-

Hiieee Ko!!

I guess this was the highlight of the week: Imm's bday!! Once again, you were such an angel... when I asked who wanted to take photo, you immediately jumped up and went ahead.. of cos not forgetting you had a 2 hr nap while Kor didn't... hehe.. so you were in the best of moods! :) But jus remember that the balloons are for Kor's birthday cos you just turned 3 remember?

You were also just dancing around!

Mummy tried to spice things up a little by organising a mini bread making session. I guessed you also enjoyed it lots. You were really interested in putting in the raisins!! You were so attentive in listening to and following instructions! :)

In the end, only you and Reagan were left on the mat..

But of cos Mummy always had to finish up the last part myself.. I guessed it doesn't look perfect but it looks ok right? :) We didn't punch the dough enough nor knead enough so guessed it wouldn't be very soft... yet it is still a labour of love right?:)

End product was ok! :)

Enjoying playing Playdoh with Kyrian..

Aunt Isa is going to pop anytime soon! We can't wait!!

Some precious moments to take away!

The chaotic letters were just like how it was, messy yet fun with the kids!

My 2 darlings.... too bad Daddy is not around.. hope he will finish his stint by your next birthdays! :)

You looked like you were waiting in anticipation as Kor blew the candles..

A close up shot together with our friends!

Opening up the presents... happiest moments right? 

Letter to Immaunel #82 Early Birthday Celebration for My Boy!!

Sunday, August 21, 2016 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!!

We had an early birthday celebration for you last week! Mummy invited Auntie Ade and Aunt Isa... it was quite a last min thing so I was sooo happy that they could make it! This is just a small one.. just having another reason to have a party, playdate and get together session.. since Aunt Isa is going to pop anytime!!

Because you woke really early for church and had no time to nap, you started to get a little grumpy... so Mummy had to just grab a few pics together before we start anything! :)

At first, only Ko wanted to stand with the letters. I kept asking, "who want to take pics with the balloons?" You were just grumpy but Ko say, "I want!"

Now you finally want to take a photo with Ko!

When Reagan and Kyrian came, we started with the bread making session! Mummy already prepared the dough and so all we had to do was to put in the filling. Alas, this was still not easy cos all of us had different ideas. And all you wanted to do was to squeeze it cos you felt it was like playdoh. You didn't even come close to the idea of separating the dough and putting in the filling. I guess only Reagan and Ko were pretty cooperative, hehe. In fact, Reagan really enjoyed it a lot!! He kept asking to put chocolate chips. We had 3 choices, chocolate chips, peanut chips and raisins.

After a while, Mummy finished up putting in the filling for the dough by helping Ko and Reagan... Before..

And After!

At other times, you were just like that.................. :(

Or you were just cutting the table... hmm.... too tired already? Maybe it is therapeutic..

There was one time when Kyrian kept blowing out the candles... hehe... we had to relight it..

A photo with Po po!

Mummy was thinking: The letters looked so chaotic just like the party itself... hahhahha

Giving Aunt Isa the extra boost!

Happy Playing Moments! Feng was so happy with this gun!

And Kyrian really enjoyed the playdoh!! Mummy just can't stand the little bits on the floor afterwards but what do you expect fr a kid's party right??

And there is definitely nothing stopping you from opening the present.... gee.. and of cos we all know what is your favourite at this moment..

Thank you Aunt Ade and Aunt Isa for the wonderful time! Thanks Reagan, Kyrian, Feng and Mini Feng for attending! :)