Letter to Reiko #80 Simple Bubble Fun and Home Baking together!

Thursday, August 04, 2016 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

During the weekend, we went to the Mac nearby and you blew bubbles. These bubbles were a little different, they could stay as bubbles for sometime so both you and Kor enjoyed stepping on them after they fell on the ground. Some even stayed on the plants. It was fun watching both of you! :)

Happy breakfast time! Actually you didn't like anything much... not the pancakes too. The only thing you ate was the hash brown. But you just enjoyed the company together. You and Kor are also better from your sickness earlier during the week.

Haha, you looked kinda dazed in this pic!

You were so fascinated when they were all on the plants!

A cute pic of you enjoying Mummy's orange chiffon cake. Woohoo, Mummy managed to wake up at 5 am this whole week, either to jog and exercise. Fri is my baking day!

We also baked together during the week! Mummy did a simple recipe of chocolate chips muffin. You really enjoyed it. Looks like both of you got the baking genes. You enjoyed pouring the flour and seeing the numbers change on the weighing scale, and stirring. I am sure you are going to be a great baker when you grow up! :) You also asked me at night in a small voice "Mummy, can we do baking again?" I will try searching for our next recipe ya!

It overflowed a bit and is a little out of shape but you love eating it. Muffins are healthy when they are baked from scratch, aren't they?

Playing ice together with Kor! I was trying to teach him some Science concepts. Both of you enjoyed scooping ice togther!