Letter to Reiko #84 Of Sophia's Birthday, Being Independent

Monday, September 05, 2016 0 Comments A+ a-

Hey Ko,

Just a sweet pic of you with this ribbon that my present colleague made for me. :) It is getting so hard now to write that sometimes Mummy is a little late... I have been trying hard to work and yet spend as much time with you... luckily I have this colleague whom I "report" to in the morning when I wake up and if I manage to accomplish the mission the whole week, I have a "reward". This colourful ribbon is one of my rewards! :) You like it a lot as it is just so big and colourful. SO you:) And Mummy too! I also love colourful things... life should also be full of colours right?

An activity that we did last week was to do gel painting... you could do yourself.. it is a bit messy but nonetheless you love it cos you are so independent. Sometimes, Mummy cannot stand it... like in Heguru, when sometimes goes out of the dotted line, you will cry for the eraser. Teacher and I do not give in to you but ask you to focus on the next one.. but you just kept crying!! And you refuse to let me hold your hand in writing and you do not know how to write certain numbers at all. It is just so infuritating at times with a perfectionist and independentist (if there is such a word) Mummy have to take a deep breath and remind myself that it is just a phrase!

You would want to cut your own noodles now.

Mummy forgot to update this last week.. we attended Sophia Mei mei's bday! Her birthday is just 2 days after Imm's. It was a fun party! :) Here is Godpa, Godma and Baby Sophia!

And we also pose for our own we-fies!

You loved playing with Celeste Jie, Uncle Richmond's girl! Both of you are the same age. We seldom get to play together so it was really fun seeing both of you play around so much!!

 When everyone is not really ready! Heheheh

You made Uncle Keenan swing you... umpteen times

Hello to Bb Livia! An addition to the Chew family! :) Mummy went to visit Auntie Serene and her last week, we shall play together with her soon!