Letter to Immanuel #124 Aviva Fundae and New Reward System

Monday, June 12, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!!

Your tooth finally dropped!!! Hahah... Popo pulled it out for you because Mummy is scared of blood!!! Hehehe..... you were fussing over it.. eating slow and also told me you would lie on your stomach to sleep because you are scared it would fall out during your sleep and you would swallow it.... that's so amusing:) Mummy has just ordered a tooth container from Taobao to keep ALL your teeth!

Over the weekend, we went to Aviva Fundae, you quite enjoyed it despite being hot and was very well behaved throughout :)

Doing the mosaic tile art. You have always loved that!

But it was so hot.. my goodnatured boy was a little upset by the heat too... that we left after about 2 hrs plus...

But I know what you loved the most! The gummy shootout! Every hour, there will be a blast of gummies from the sky and everyone will snatch them as they fly through the air. You took one packet while Mummy snatched about 5! Hehehe.... We will do better with more experience.. hahaa

Our art and craft session was doing gong gong's card! :)

You wrote the words and did the perler beads. Tried to get both of you to do more but well..... hehe.... we will do better with more cards.. Mummy is going to give you more work to do!

A new reward chart system to let you know what I expect you to do. After you finish the tasks, then you will paste below... and I will calculate the points :)

That's all for this week! :)