Letter to Reiko #124 Aviva Fundae and Your Ugly Tantrums

Monday, June 12, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!

It was such a hot hot day at Aviva Fundae.... gosh we stayed only for 2 hours... mummy wished I could jump into the water play area but I didn't bring our swimsuits. One of the activities which you enjoyed doing was the mosaic art! You chose the tiles and pasted them on this big tile...

Trying out the Nerf gun...

Happily drinking the vitagen in peace, didn't want to do anything else...

Actually the Aviva Fundae looked really fun... there were so many activities... like bouncing castles, trampoline and lots of art and craft activities.... I was telling Daddy that we should come again next year! It was also difficult for Mummy to handle both of you actually.. and you got soooo cranky and whiny and kept wanting ice cream! Not that Mummy didn't want to give you but you were having such a bad cough you know.. it is almost 3 weeks. You kept wanting fruits and drinks which seemed to exacerbate the situation. These days, you have actually been quite difficult.. hmmm... anyway a photo with Popo!

Over the weekend, we made a card for gong gong's bday, it was a bit late though..... but finally Mummy managed to find time to do it together!

Ko, these few days, you were actually hard to manage! You screamed and cried 3 days this week because you didn't have your way. Finally Mummy kept quiet and let you continue screaming by yourself cos I didn't want to have anymore headache. You used to be rather easy to handle.. maybe Mummy has taken that for granted. Trying to understand you also. :) Let's hope it gets better and we will pass this phase soon!! :)