Letter to Imm #150 Your Graduation Concert

Saturday, December 16, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!!

It was your graduation concert 2 weeks ago. It was definitely quite an emotional one for me... another milestone!! This time, popo and ma-ma also came along and were right in the first row!

You told me earlier that you were acting as a grandfather.. Mummy was pretty tickled by it. :)

In the beginning, the graduands would have to do a march in...

and then do a small march on the stage... You did really well and looked pretty serious.

Can you spot yourself?

You were REALLY the grandfather!! and in face Daddy and I are so amazed that you spoke in Chinese.. though really soft... and though I have always felt that you were not confident on stage, I felt that you really enjoyed yourself, acting with your friends! the words I remembered you saying was "guai la guai la" to the child..

Your friend Audrey talking... you quite enjoy talking to Audrey... one of your good gal friends. :)

weekend was spent at YCK swimming pool with Daddy's.. yes Daddy's giant turtle float that he had when he was a small boy.. I am amazed he has so much of his children's stuff.. mama is real good at keeping them..

we ate at the Seafood Restaurant to celebrate Wai-gong's birthday too!!! Yumz!!

It is nice to eat together as a family. Hopefully it will continue to be a tradition in time to come.

Mummy is so proud of you whenever I see you. You really enjoyed going to school everyday jus to play with your friends. I hope you will continue to learn and play well in Primary school. I am sure you are going to enjoy it and you are growing to be very sociable. One of Mummy's dreams is to make lotsa nice food for your friends when they come over to our house in future. Mummy has it all planned.

Imm, Mummy hopes you continue growing well and happily!! :)