Letter to Ko #152 Family Times - Bye to 209 House and Movie time

Wednesday, December 27, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

We went to watch "Coco" that day cos it resembled your name! hee.. and also because Mummy heard it was nice la.. not entirely because it was your name.. though the last time when we watched "Koko the great" it was because of that. :P So happy to be out for a family movie.. you didn't like much of the skeletons though and said you did not want to watch halfway during the show. So you sat on my lap facing me but kept turning around to see the screen.. then you complain your neck is painful.. sigh.. kids.. hehe... it's funny yet made mummy a little irritated when you would be blaming others all the time.. hrumph.. we will be working on that ya. :P

Popular Bookfest with the Pokka mascot! It certainly looks so cute and happy that it brightened my day!

You also tried this though it was not exactly your favourite.. hee.. so far you love colouring and dolls only... and swimming!!!

But more of kor's...

A hand massager? haha..

We also went to say goodbye to our old house though you had never come here. We only lived in this house for 2 years when Imm was born. You looked so tired cos we just had our swimming lesson..

Just of  the normal times when we are waiting for our food... :)