Letter to Reiko #159 Bye to Yantin and Happy Birthday to Emmanuel!

Wednesday, February 28, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

Look at your funny face! Another weekend we stayed home and played with board games.. Monopoly! The Junior series is easy enough.. but Imm would be playing for you most of the time though.. hehe..

Time at home together but interested in different things.. I think you were playing with some syringes of sort..

we gave a treat to Auntie Yantin before she went back to Indonesia.. she had been a good play companion to you these 2 years, besides helping Mummy with housework..

All about to enjoy our food!

We all woke at 4am.. after sending her off, we went for breakfast before going to school. What a long day it was!

Yay! A lovely surprise made with much love by Imm and Daddy!! You were so happy with the flowers too and Mummy knows you love pretty things!

We had a good time celebrating Emmanuel Choon's bday. You were happy to be playing with Zhan Peng.. He is your constant playmate whenever we go to Imm's friends' bday cos he is Shermaine's brother.. :)

Love this pic of you balancing!

Letter to Immanuel #159 Bye to Yantin and Happy Birthday to Emmanuel

Wednesday, February 28, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!

These are some of the activities you do after school.. chasing balls and running around... you are beginning to enjoy after school care.. in the beginning you would say you don't like it.. now you would want to stay back longer to play...

We said bye to Auntie Yantin too.. she had been with us for nearly 2 yrs....

Surprise for me!! You went with Daddy to put up a flower arrangement... Mummy casually mentioned it cos it looked fun but had no time to follow up.. Daddy made the effort to register and do it with you... :)Mummy was so happy when I saw it.. really brightens up my day!! :)

We also celebrated your good friend Emmanuel Choon's birthday!! Our neighbourhood is really nice... it even had a bbq pit... I thought it was awesome.. is convenient and we need not go to the beach..

Still awesome buddies though in different schools! But it was funny cos at times you would be in your moods and said no one wants to play with you.. esp you had this friend called Audrey.. you were upset she didn't wanna play with u and asked mummy to tell her to play with you.. hmm..

Happy Birthday to Emmanuel and Elijah!!

Letter to Immanuel #158 Safari Zoo Run and Your Mood Swings

Sunday, February 11, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!!

We went for our Zoo race 2 weeks ago! It was definitely nice hanging out as a a family! But ahh... Daddy and Mummy were also upset with you during this time....

First, you didn't want to take photos when we asked you.. but thats a small thing..

But suddenly requested to take with Ah Meng.. And it was not that.. it was just how you behaved after the race... lemme share later..

Daddy encouraging you along the way!!!

Yay a sense of completion!

We also met up with Uncle Kenneth, Auntie Charlene, Zach and Joshua. Playing with Zach :)

What happened was after meeting them, we had to walk back to the entrance to take a cab... and you were whiny and kept making some weird sounds.. all the way. Despite telling you to stop several times. We understood that it could be tiring but Daddy and Mummy were upset that you are always easily affected by your moods and it can really turned the day upside down...... There were several instances when you let you moods take over and refused to do anything else. What can we do boy? Sometimes, it is really patience x 10000 with you. Daddy and Mummy are racking our brains at times on how to teach you...

On a last note.. our house is ready! Invited Godma, Godpa and Eli over for dinner! :)

Random drawings you loved doing :)

Letter to Reiko #158 Safari Zoo race

Sunday, February 11, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

Yay!!!! So happy that we went for our Safari Zoo run!! A pic of us before the race!

Funny faces in the cab..

The wait before the race sure took sometime!

When did you learn how to pose like these? :)

Yay I am a champion! I completed the race!

We met Uncle Kenneth and sat at the carousel together! Far...


And nearest.

Some drawings that you love to draw these days.. butterflies and stars... so cute... you said that you know how to draw butterflies now cos Mummy taught you. :)

This was helped by Imm. You would ask Imm to help you and he would gladly take over... and both of you would colour together.... :)

Ko, Mummy is so proud of you for completing the race though you kept saying your foot was painful. Snacks like apples definitely help a lot... races like these definitely bond us together and also teach us about endurance right? We can do so much more when we do it as a family, with encouragement and love. :)

Letter to Immanuel #157 Our Family and Friends

Sunday, February 11, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!!

Yay we managed to make a playdate with Emmanuel Choon at Macs this week! After that, we went to play at the playground beside Mac. Mummy tries as much as possible to make arrangements to meet up with your friends... esp knowing that you missed them. You are settling really well in your school too. You told me in Chinese that you love school cos you like to learn. :P

Some activities that you do during student care outdoor activity.. you proudly told me that you could climb up the obstacle easily. :)

yes, Mummy has promised to play battleship with you!

And also playing Poker cards with Ko!

We also did some robots using clay powder.. it was soooo cute... Mummy enjoyed these kinda activities.

Cute little clay robots!

And some of the things we loved to do... going to the library and reading your plants and zombies comics.. they are in Chinese! If the pics look interesting, you would ask me to read the story.

Playing with water guns before swimming.. :)

Loving our dinner family date at Cornerchef!

During the weekend, we also went to visit Auntie Huiwen, saw her baby Asher and bought chicken rice over for dinner.. yums.. loving catch up times like these.. I hope you do too Imm!