Letter to Reiko #200 Legoland Trip and Dinner with Aunt Melanie

Saturday, December 29, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

We went to JB to enjoy our last lap of the school holidays! Our first stop after reaching there is to have our nice dimsum.

It was really hot when we reached legoland that we went into the nearest most cooling place that we could find and take a pic there first.

It was nice strolling along and trying to find nice scenes to take pics.. though you look angry here! hehe..

We drove the waterboat together and you were really serious abt it.. you didn't want me to help and was angry when I wanted to help you.. sigh..

One of our favourite games was the Ninjago Shooting game! hahaha... you got the highest score for the first round and we were all praising you.. after that Daddy discovered a hack method and then won first all the way.. cheaterbug! :P

And of cos we must play lego at legoland...

In the evening, we met up with Auntie Huiwen and family and had korean stew! Love it! and it was soooooo cheap.... you, Imm and Asher were busy running around and were so noisy that we had to keep asking u all to quieten down..

That week, we also had a nice dinner with Auntie Melanie, Uncle Ethan, Kate and Tyler... Aunt Melanie bought baked chicken and Mummy tried to cook roast pork rice... we all enjoyed ourselves eating, playing and catching up..

Last of all, we get to enjoy the gingerbread man house that you made! woohoo.. we plucked off the gummies and chocolates..

Kate and Tyler enjoying the cake!

And here we have come to our last post of 2018.... it had been lots of memories, fun and laughter.. I hope you will remember these in time to come and know how much we love you!! :)

Letter to Immanuel #200 Our Legoland Trip and Dinner with Aunt Melanie

Saturday, December 29, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!!

We went to Legoland during the 2nd last week of the school holidays. Mummy and Daddy can't wait to eat our dim sum.. so here we are at our first stop... you and Ko can't be bothered much though and did drawing on your own..

At least this place looks a little cold compared to the blazing heat outside..

One of our first games.. you really loved to drive around and is really gd at it!

Next is driving the water boat with daddy!

While Mummy and Ko are behind! Daddy is having his own fun..

We loved to play the Ninjago shooting game! We played like almost 4-5 times, I think?

And you loved to build the lego.. Daddy taught you how to do interlocking blocks and you were quite into it. You have always loved patterns and symmetries..

So pretty!

We had an awesome korean beef stew.. cheap and good! You, Ko and Asher were busy running around when you all have finished your meal..

A pic of you and Asher recently when we met up for dinner!

We had a nice dinner session with Aunt Melanie, Uncle Ethan, Kate and Tyler!

In which we had a lot of fun plucking off chocolates and gummies off the Gingerbread Man House!

We all enjoyed the play session with Tyler and Kate too!! :)

Letter to Immanuel #199 Gingerbread House Making

Saturday, December 29, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!

We had a really fun time at Shangri La, spending time making our Gingerbread man house! Before that, we were really excited already!

Waiting to start!

Waiting to collect the yummies to decorate..

Having much fun... mummy and daddy relaxing.

And Daddy also taught you to make a gummy bear wall.. and also to stuff all the goodies into the house and close the door to make it more worth it :D

Sprinkling the sugar on the house!

A pic with Uncle Ajie, Aunt Peisan and BB Sera!

And last of all a grp pic together!! :)

Letter to Reiko #199 Gingerbread House Making Workshop

Saturday, December 29, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

Waa there are so many Christmas events that Mummy has lost track of when they happen... one of them was at Shangri La.. where we decorated our Gingerbread Man House! But before that we went around admiring all the decor first!

It was a nice process in which the parents get to enjoy pastries and coffee while the children get to work on their project. But you didn't decorate much and just enjoyed more of the eating.. hehe

can't wait to start to build our house!

Thank goodness there were helpers so the parents can relax.. hehe..

We went together with Uncle Ajie, Aunt Peisan, Godpa and godma..

I guess you love the food too!

A photo with everyone together!

After our session, we had lunch at Beauty in A Pot

All in all, we had loads of fun eating and relaxing this weekend! :)

Letter to Immanuel #198 Dinner at Fullerton and Meeting up With Aunt Huiwen

Saturday, December 29, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!!

This year we made a Xmas tree design using stringart... it was pretty nice.. you enjoyed knocking the nails into the board.. always a hands on boy!!

We also went to a TP CC event to celebrate Xmas.. we had simple games and fun. :) You loved to use the gun and aim at the light.

And watching Ko throw balls at the hungry pig.

And last of all, have fun in the bouncing castle!

Bubbles time! when all the children's hair are filled with foam.

A pic together with the nice lights!

Yummy beef stew we had that was prepared by Jerrell's Mummy!!

You enjoyed the stew with bread! It is always good to try out new food with friends then you will tend to eat... peer pressure. :)

You always love to play with Jerrell Kor.. he is so big now... 10 yrs ago since Mummy taught him at Shichida!

We had a luxurious meal at Fullerton Hotel! Before that, Mummy took some pictures around the hotel first before going into the restaurant.

Such a nice Xmasy scene... love the traditional feel of it. You took up the card and just posed with it. :)

You didn't exactly like the food very much, cos is a Western 4 course meal type.. Probably just ate a little of the beef...

Let us all be a light in the darkness as we sing "Silent Night, Holy Night"

One of our Holiday plans was to eat hotpot with Darryl! You enjoyed his company very much all the time. After this, you even went to play till evening at his place, without any adult accompaniment. Aunt Joan said you were really good and could occupy Darryl.. so kill 2 birds with 1 stone!

We lately bought a new bag for you from Ergoworks so you would not be hunchbacked by your heavy bag.. you even like to put Mummy's wordsearch book into your bag so you can do it in school..

Last of all we had dinner that week with Auntie Huiwen, Asher, grandaunt and granduncle! Simple get together! :)

Asher is such a cute boy.. he has this signature smile that is really cute.. :)