Letter to Immanuel, Reiko and Ariel, #219 #2 Planning Schedules, Fun at Waka

Wednesday, June 19, 2019 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm Ko and Ariel!!

Today my colleagues came to visit me - Auntie Nadia and Auntie Yasotha. It was nice to have some company.

To Ariel:

Today, you also started to be more awake. Mummy kept trying to figure out your timing to have a schedule but gave up as I am realising that you are still adjusting and no point doing up a timetable now still.

So far, Mummy love your various expressions :) Mummy has been planning how I want to stimulate you through massages, black red and white pics, tummy time, eye training etc. And also spend quality time. But Mummy must remember to pace with you also.

These couple of days, you have been awake from 8-11am and 8am -11pm. Luckily Daddy will bring you out to sleep sometimes when Mummy cannot take it anymore. Any baby can sleep in Daddy's arms. :)

To Imm and Ko: 

Daddy brought both of you out to play at Waka waka, an indoor playground. Both of you need lots of activity these days... haha.. glad that Daddy can bring you all out too! Before the outing, both of you were excited and packed a turckload of stuff, saying you want to plan a map so can know the layout of the place well for Ko's birthday celebration, oh yes, we are celebrating at Waka on 6th July!

Yay glad we all had fun this weekend!