Letter to Immanuel #216 Mayday at Istana and celebrataing Sera's bday

Wednesday, June 05, 2019 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!!

We went to visit the Istana during MayDay, it was a really hot day but I am glad we made the trip and had som fun together.. :) A photo at the gate that everyone must take since we have spent a lot of effort queuing! :) Thank goodness that we are in the priority queue also since mummy is pregnant.. so maybe we halved the amt of time needed... yippeee

We love simple rides on the MRT..

We had simple sessions like drawing our dreams.. you said that you wanted to be a scientist... and we also braved the long queue again to see the sun through a telescope. Unfortunately it was a bit cloudy so we looked at other things instead. But at least you still had the chance to use the telescope :)

By this time, we were all a bit tired.. exhaused from the walk cos it was a really hot day. Still, we managed some smiles in this pic. Mummy is proud of you for walking so much despite being tired. Though you still whined a little, Mummy knows you have come a long way and can manage your emotions much more easily now.

We spent a fruitful time that weekend doing some crafts. Also to decorate for Sera's upcoming bday celebration.

A picture with everyone! Happy 1st bday Sera!!