Letter to Immanuel, Reiko & Ariel #223, #6 Dance Recital, Imm says "Stress", Ariel 2 months

Wednesday, July 31, 2019 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm, Ko and Ariel!


Mummy did not take much individual photos of you recently... only those with your sisters.. but it just depicts what a loving brother you are, especially to your baby sister:)

We went to watch the Bicenntial Experience recently and learnt about Singapore history in an immersive experience. It was really awesome and both of you were really happy.. at the last part, we even had to use umbrellas as it showed the significance of rain in Singapore history. It was really creative!

We had some local food and walked around after that. It was simply nice to spend some family time on a friday/

Oh yes Imm, Mummy was a little upset with you recently when you said you wished you could be less stress and Mummy Daddy can be more child like, play with you more etc. I was disappointed and said that we had tried our best to spend time together and always think from your perspective but you seemed to have implied that you were not happy. After explaining to you from our perspective, you understood better and did not mention that anymore. Mummy and Daddy jus wish that you are happy, Mummy ask you to do work but it does not mean to stress you and I would always tell you it is for practice but if you are unable to do finish, it is perfectly fine. And though we do not always play in the way you wanted, we try to spend time together, bring you out, do baking with you and Daddy would also fix and build things together with you.


You picked a flower along the way and asked me to smell it. You are a girly girl, loving everything from rainbows to uniforms to flowers ... :)

The highlight in this post would definitely be about your dance recital.. Daddy, Mummy and Imm went to support you. :) It is really a big thing at Taneo Dance Academy, the yearly recitals and rising star. We did not sign you up for Rising Star because of the heavy commitment but we should probably sign you up for next yr one!

Taking a pic with Teacher Rachelle, your previous teacher... you really missed her!

You got a medal for doing well in your ballet exam. Sooo proud of you :) Actually Mummy felt bad that I had not been practising with you for your dance and told myself that I must do it. I must help you to get to your fullest potential. Each recital really inspired me when I see how good the older girls can be. We will work hard together ok? I must also remind myself to put things into perspective: dance is really about flexibility, discipline, peseverance and working as a team thus, I should not just be focused on results and outcome. Parenting can be so conflictual at times. :)



Oh yes you have passed 2 months! Here are more cutey pics of you!

Popo sent me this pic of you.. such a happy big infectious smile!

And popo has been helping you with some tummy time when Mummy tends to forget at times.. ooops.. and I need to get down to flashing those cards to activate your right brain soon.. hahaha... anyway I am so happy you are growing well my little one!

Oh yes, Mummy loves this pic... The 3 paus! 

And some sibling / family pics to conclude my post: This was when we were walking back to the car from Uncle Kway Teow shop. It is funny how less than 1min ago, both Imm and Ko were fighting and now they are holding hands happily.

A session with Ko also cos she wanted ice cream but Imm didn't want. This was at the ice cream cafe nearly - Eleven Strands.

Letter to Immanuel #222 Holiday and Family Activities, Changes in You

Tuesday, July 16, 2019 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!!

It had been a while since I wrote a personalised letter to you. These days, Mummy realised that you have changed quite a bit - becoming cheekier and a little "rude" as you would tend to answer back. However, you are still very much the sweet boy that we know even though we have to keep you in your place at times. :)

2 weeks have past since school started again. During the hols, I got to spend more time with you since Mummy was on Maternity Leave. I was happy that I had to do activities with you or watch you doing activities. One such was the one on stencils. It was really fun when I tried it together with you. Spending time together brought out the child like spirit in me :P

And yes, still into drawing. Mummy got this screen thing for you so you can draw what is on the ipad. Pokemon crazy - you love to read the book, watch the shows and also catch them with Daddy.

Ohhh and can I say that I was really proud of you during the bible camp? Mummy indicated that you like music and art activities but you came back telling us how much you liked the drama too... during the last day when there was a performance, you gave a small speech. you have definitely come a long way cos you usually shy away from such activities - like Mummy. Though Mummy try to put you in as many experiences as possible so that you will outgrow this fear :)

And this is where we are stuck at recently. Fear of ghosts, monsters, momo - you can check it out when you are older etc that you have problem sleeping in your room - even with Ko! You would lay your blanket over the bed, arranged the warriors around you (soft toys) and put holy water on your forehead.. it is such a procedure and you are so neat that this activity takes quite a while before you can sleep.. *yawn* But you said something really touching that day, you said that when you are older, you will accompany baby if she is scared, so that Daddy and Mummy can rest.  That is the sweet side of you speaking. :)

Chocolate muffin making time! You really love thiese simple chocolate muffins that we made together :)

Playdates and more with Alex!

Family Activity - watching Toy Story 4 together after we watched 1,2 and 3 at our staycation :)

We wanted to go for a fun walk but Daddy came back late. we still put on our shirts and had our walk in the neighbourhood nearby. we walked to an ice cream place and had icecream!

We also celebrated Ko's 6th birthday at Waka Waka!

A family pic together that we hardly have a chance to take!

Letter to Reiko #222 Your 6th Birthday Celebration at Waka Waka

Tuesday, July 16, 2019 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

On 6th of July, 2 days shy of your actual birthday, we celebrated this significant event at Waka Waka! We wanted to make memories for you, since you will not seeing your friends much when you go P1 *sniffles and heart wrenching as I type this* Our little girl has grown so fast. It is hard to imagine the feeling every parent goes through unless you are one yourself. Anyway, you were really happy during this celebration - Daddy and Mummy sooo glad we had this for you!!

We had your cake done by Jane's cake station - I have to say that the chocolate cake is really good! And heavy! Can you imagine the dense chocolate inside??!

You were super hyper before the party.. You couldn't wait for your friends to come...

Nicely prepared by the staff of Waka Waka:

Playing with Imm first before your friends arrive:

The staff prepared some games for you and your friends..

Had some games where everyone had to dance when the music is on and stop when the music goes off..

A funny pic with all your classmates and their siblings..

Imm disappeared for a while and we couldn't find him... nevermind! We take a picture ourselves first!

Happily eating with all your friends:

with your good friend Zhan Peng:

with Zhan Peng and Jamie.. I hear you talking so much about them:)

A photo with all your pressies lined up: So far we have told you that you can only open 2 a week but I am not sure how you argued your way through that you were opening more. I guess this is how you are.. arguing your way till we, your parents get dazed and exasperated that we will say "okok, do what you want"

Mummy got you your poopsie slime surprise... you were surprised that it is "poop" as you thought it was "oopsie slime surprise".

And a present from Daddy too.. with your favourite snack biscuits!

Dear Ko, Daddy and Mummy are so proud of you. You are really kind and sweet admist the fierceness and argumentative side of you. Sometimes, you have to be the one to give in when Imm starts to whine at times. Beyond that, your enthusiasm and cheerfulness really rubs on us. Mummy just wish you can be less shy with others but I know that being your real self eventually is all part of growing up. :) for now, we just love our baby for who she is. Always keep your passion, enthusiasm for art, which we know it is what you love - expressing yourself.