Letter to Reiko #49 Gatherings In Singapore

Saturday, December 12, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

We went back to Singapore last week and you had a whale of a time! This was one of your photos with the "Mexican Family", a gathering that Mummy didn't managed to go but you spent the whole day with Daddy at Uncle Mun's place. From left to right: Zach, Sophia (your god sister), Elva and Celeste! So many kiddies to play together with now. :)

One of Mummy's favourite pics of you and Kor... before his outbreak of pox... He really misses you as he is still in Spore and keep saying "I want Koko" over skype. Wish I can see you both playing together soon.. Popo house is in a big mess this time cos we are going to install air con and change the built in cupboard... yay! It will not be so warm when we go back to Spore in Jan.. hee

This is with Mummy's friends! At Auntie Ade's place. There is Reagan, Kyrian and Jun Feng! Our annual Christmas exchange!! Auntie Ade is so nice to prepare your favourite cherries for you. You also enjoyed roaming around though you kinda "fought" with Jun Feng over the motorbike.. hahah, while Daddy slept on the sofa because he is so tired. Being back to Spore is always very tiring for us because we need to do so much in a short span of time. That means almost no sleep! Mummy was also very tired from nursing Kor with a high fever the night before...

You and handsome Feng!!

You spent 3 days with Popo when Mummy and Daddy went to Bangkok.. you kept asking for me but luckily popo managed to keep you occupied. This time round, you also sat on the short table and ate meals with Kor and not so much in the baby chair. It is so much easier to handle both of you now as you are older. It is nice but also felt a bit wistful thinking of how much you have grown. You are now a cheerful girl running around, who likes to jump a lot. We love to hear you running as you would make a lot of noise :P