Letter to Immanuel #49 Missing you In Cape Town

Thursday, December 10, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!!

We went back to Singapore last week and you had an almost great time playing with Ko... everytime when we go back to Singapore, all the toys seemed new again. But mummy also realised how fast you all are growing as both of you have outgrown most of the toys. Like how you are into ninja turtles, transformers.. all the boyish stuff. Uncle Justin has downloaded some of the dragon ball series so Mummy and Daddy will watch with you. These are some of the things you like right? And Mummy can also start teaching you Japanese... :)

One of the unfortunate incidents was you caught chicken pox from Ko.... Ko had it just before we went back to Singapore... we thought that we would not be able to go back but luckily she recovered from it. But yours.... was extremely severe. You were badly dehydrated and had a high fever for 2 days. Mummy was almost sponging you throughout the night... Popo made coconut and chestnut drink for you but you only like the coconut juice... but only with yakult. Now you see how difficult you are? :P Poor boy right...

We used this "snowflake" game to make different things. Mummy tried to make a rocket...

And you tried making other stuff.. hehe...

It was a pity you couldn't catch up with Mummy and Daddy's friends. We actually wanted to bring you out. But you were stuck at home. You also couldn't come back to Cape Town with us. Mummy had to go back to Cape Town because popo house will be under renovation and it will be hard taking care of both of you with all the things going on. So we made the seemingly best choice of letting you stay back in Spore with ma-ma. We miss you a lot. You kept asking for Ko also, your playmate. Mummy also worries you will watch too much Ipad and not eat your veggies because you need constant supervision. Haa.. but I must learn to let go. It will be almost 3 weeks before Ma-ma will bring you here. We will be waiting for you to open your presents. We have also set up the Christmas tree. Take care and get well soon Imm!!