Leaving our "Chicken Pops" child behind

Wednesday, December 16, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

This is Daddified reporting in, after several weeks of absence.

One of the reasons why I am able to write is because one of our kids is stuck in Singapore. The house is a little quieter. Mummified and Daddified are both less stressed.

As you can see above, even Koko is bored stiff without her Kor Kor Imm Imm around. No more screaming, snatching of toys or persistent whining.

Well, you see. We had left our child behind. Unwillingly, that is. In case you cannot tell.

Imm was struck by bad case of "chicken pops" so to speak, in Imm-speak. Despite our best efforts to quarantine both kids, Imm caught it from Koko (who in turn caught it from her class where only 5 children DIDN'T get it and the school did not tell us).

As the father, I have the benefit of posting the most unglam pictures of our kids. The 2 photos posted below is a comparison of how affected both Imm and Ko are by chicken pox.

For Ko, chicken pox wasn't anything special. She went about her days the usual, with the occasional crankiness. It also cleared up fast within a week, leaving only just one obvious mark on her forehead, which I think will clear up as she grows.

Imm on the other hand, was struck with 2 days of fever, incessant complains of pain and itchiness. I guess being in humid Singapore didn't help. His spots were a lot more numerous. Smuggling him on the plane back to Cape Town was out of the question. I mean.. it was always out of the question, heh, if you have chicken pox. (NB on a more serious note: You need a doctor to clear you for flying if you have a bout of pox to ensure it is not contagious.)

One common thing both of them had was that they wore "chicken pops" like a badge, showing off to everyone who asked. (Again with this, sure cannot bring on the plane one).

We call Imm every day to make sure he is ok. He is thrilled to Facetime us but otherwise, there is this nagging suspicion he likes it back at grandma's place than being with us. Life is a little different without that boy around. Even as he is a prick sometimes, we do miss him sorely and talk about him all the time. In the meantime, we console ourselves and try to take advantage of this as a break, before all hell breaks lose again when we see him end Dec.