Crafts #9 New Year Resolutions!

Tuesday, January 19, 2016 0 Comments A+ a-

I have been wanting to do this and just managed to find the time recently... though we are almost 3 weeks into Jan.. However, it is still early right? We are still in the first month anyway... I got this idea from the blog again.. but I differ slightly in materials... so it really depends on what you have...

I enjoy doing crafts and especially those that are significant in making you commit to a certain action.. thus I thought this was a rather good idea...

This was what I used:

1) foam paper
2) movable eyes
3) sequins to decorate
4) glue
5) scissors 
6) short sticks
7) Post it pad

First, I ask them what kind of clothes they wanna wear as each "puppet" represents them. Don't give them too many colours to choose or it will take forever. They will choose a colour for the top and bottom while I will cut it out and let them paste. They will then paste the eyes and I draw in the nose and mouth. 

Next, I asked them to think of their new year resolutions. They suggested one while I prompt them with the other two. 

We will paste the post it pad on the "puppet" and Ko decorated hers with sequins while Imm left his as it is.... as he probably thinks is too girly.

We then pasted the stick at the back so we are able to hold it.

At the back of it, I used foam sticker numbers to put in the year.


What is my resolution?

1) I promise to keep myself energetic and happy so I can give the best to the family
2) I promise I will think of ideas to do crafts and not laze around too much
3) I promise to commit to better myself everyday so I can bring joy to others around me
4) I promise to try my best to pray daily even if husband is working overseas so the children can continue to grow in their faith journey.

I didn't do the puppet for myself as I would have liked to as the kids demanded too much of my help... battery was flat already. I promise to improve in my stamina...............................